6th in a series on the 7 Kwanzaa Principles: Kuumba: Universality vs. Cultural-centric
Kuumba (Creativity) To do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it. It would appear that the 6 th principle of Kwanzaa finally speaks to not just Black people but to all people. Creating beauty is not just endemic to an African American culture, but it speaks to all people and cultures of the world. Maybe this was the intent of the author (to speak to all people of the world) to make Kwanzaa principles universal, to speak to all people. The problem with that is that why create Kwanzaa in the first place for Black people? In a recent article, a Jewish author ( Joshua Neuman , Huffington Post, 12/23/08) writes What happened to Kwanzaa ? Articles like this should solicit some reaction from Blacks, especially those tenured Black professors of History or Theology who have the titles that reflect their fluency in African American heritage and the Black community, and the many religious leaders who d...