One's Quietness in noisy times: Becoming accessors to crimes
Has anyone noticed the real meaning of words "many are called but few are chosen"? Well, I've got the answer. It means that most people are quiet on issues that concern for fear (founded or unfounded) of repercussions. It means that people are either being programmed to follow the road of least resistance at strategic times when a response is needed. Allow me to give some examples for areas of activity where this reality is evident: War and Crime Most people refuse to talk against the war(s) because they would be classified as unpatriotic and the fear of being audited by the IRS, he fear of being labelled a terrorist; or the fear of losing 'so called' friends. It's easy to talk against a murderer (Presidents, Secretaries of State, Ministers of Defense not included) when its done by ordinary citizens. But it seems strange that most Americans don't seem to grasp that they are accessories to murder at the largest level when we license a select few...