Has Soul Food become junk food? Ask Aretha
"They're off my diet. They just really don't fit with (health food store) Whole Foods. I had it for enough years that I don't miss it. You can't continue to eat things that are not good for you." Aretha Franklin Just what is off her diet , no one actually knows. According to recent news reports, the 'Queen of Soul' appears to have swore off eating soul food, alluring to years of thriving on fat that originates from the pig. I can this be interpreted?--no more ribs, no more beacon, no more chitterlings, no more sausages, etc. What is really lost in a health scare (it's been denied that pancreatic cancer is involve) episode is the question "Should soul food be classified as unhealthy"? Or, is soul food the same as junk food? Or, just what is soul food? Healthy Soul food Cooking Solutions Soul Food and Southern Cooking.com Let me introduce you to the concept of preparing and enjoying healthier soul food meals. It's def...