
Showing posts from February 4, 2018

Stuck: Russia talks while Syria burns

"Unacceptable" is a powerful word. However, it appears that Putin and the Russia army has devolved into doing select battles and show no clear path for  implementing a vision that sees Syria's territorial integrity stays intact. This is no small observation.  As illegal invaders attack and kill its allies' (Syria) soldiers and citizens - with the prime suspects being the U.S, Israel and Turkey - their capacity seems to have hit a brick wall as the attackers seems to be having a field day. The most curious thing to me is that even as Russia's foreign ministers wax poetic and give persuasive arguments on the facts at the UN and to all parties concerned, it appears that (at least) they have not learnt nothing from modern history - as their own country seems to have elected the strategy of 'hanging in there'.  While sanctions  after sanctions are leveled, their geography has been encircled with belligerent parties, and even their posture appears to be begg...

Black History equals living history: Do something

I just submitted The Honorable Barbara Jordan as someone (among many) worthy of memorial, and especially for our commercial-related  'Black History Month'.  Yet, I am also persuaded to reiterate that we shouldn't just salute a 'tree-lined and predefined worthy  persons street'  where you will those known for their success according to what the system allows - but we should boldly began to go down a less beaten path whereas beautiful black people like Sandra Bland and Trayvon Martin (and many others) are part of a growing list of unlikely heroes whose lives were prematurely (and it continues) snuffed out by racist acts.  I challenge all black people to start thinking outside of the box (that we've been put in) and give some (more) overdue reverence to the persons and events that may even supersede at some points the importance of some who [we] have identified as 'famous'. Try to critically elevate to different contexts.   If you can expand, you wi...

Betraying your own country is no laughing matter: Kurds the sleepwalkers

Well in hindsight the U.S., Turkey, various Arab and Western nations, ISIS - as well as the Kurdish  and  Israel, all are illegals on the sovereign land of Syria - they all share a commonality of being invaders. All came to the table with some similar motives,like wanting to  to overthrow, steal and illegally possess the land.    Too bad their blind greed for Syria's resources, land,  and dignity has indeed turned them all of to  murderous zombies.  So, It's hard recognize another article out of many that fails to recognize that they all are in error.  By skirting the core issue that that primarily targets overthrowing Assad and claiming his land illegally is not acceptable journalism (to me). All of the aforementioned have attempted to hide their nefarious intentions by either supporting or joining with terrorists, Israel even nurses them back to health so they can return to the scene of destruction. There common bond is ISIS.  All...