It may sound cynical but it isn't meant to me. But I always wondered how black civil rights groups deliver a knee jerk reaction in defense of others, other then to their membership, in attempting to wrest the mantle of civil rights leadership of the world. I'm looking at a personal panoramic view of African American history and how it is forged with the history of all Americans. Today's view for me includes the old cliche of the saying, “the more things change the more they remain the same”. While the complexion of race relations have truly changed in the last 50 years of my life, there seems to be the same nagging issues during a time where the media, politicians and some social groups declaring a post-racial era. Quite frankly, it may be correct to say post-racial politics but the plight of the huddled masses seems caught in a time warp. Let's see. Maybe the election of America's first mixed race president. I, too, am impressed that we have a mixed race presiden...