WORLD AIDS DAY: Still Relevant
No need to mention the startling worldwide statistics of this deadly disease. But AIDS has claimed the lives of many people, both rich and poor, straight and gay, men and women, children, Americans and non-Americans. I have personally witnessed its human devastation over the years as I watched and prayed for many friends and acquaintances whose lives were abruptly terminated or dramatically altered. My personal response came in the entity known as 'Grateful, Inc.' a nonprofit organization I started back in 1988 with a mission to help combat the spread of AIDS and to help those living in Baltimore's inner city communities, mostly black, who had been disproportionately hit by HIV, the precursor of AIDS. Even though the doors of Grateful was closed in 2007, AIDS still remains a relevant terminal disease. Yet as time as passed, I am thankful for the progress that has evolved. Today day are closer to a vaccine than ever before when only a few years ...