Small Things Matter: Prolific and Thoughtful Advocacy for Elders Submitted by: Jerel Shaw Let's face it, the world would be screwed without the expertise of lawyers helping people when they've been wronged. Then of course, this reality (helping) is predicated on the a myriad of competing conflicting interests in our capitalist society - in others words, everybody has to get paid. From the guy who was just blindsided by an errant vehicle who is lucky to be alive to the child who just unfortunately didn't survive when a out-of-control vehicle came out of nowhere onto the sidewalk in both the the lawyers and the claimant or their survivals can be well compensated if the lawyer works his magic. From stifling class action lawsuits to million dollar lawsuits, the likelihood of the inevitable occurrence of disagreements often are the supply that demand that lawyers are needed. And, unfortunately if there's money (profit) then without t...