
Showing posts from January 31, 2010

The Economic Boogeyman: Uncertainty breeds fear and...

Americans have become spooked, not in a metaphorical sense, but in a real sense. The boogeyman (Also spelled as bogeyman) is defined on the online dictionary as an imaginary monster used to frighten children and the lives of many Americans these days. Of course, this phenomenon is not imaginary, the boogeyman economy has brought out a capitalist culture greatest fears, the primary being that we have become as children (Not the one that is spoken of in the Bible),or better said like dogs who eat their own vomit. The question is what is the nature of the vomit that we are eating? Well, I'll let you think about that for a moment as I defer to some words coming from the writings of one of my favorite economic/social commentators, Paul Roberts . In one of his latest articles he simply (and as usual) tells it like is is: " American power is on the precipice, about to fall. Perhaps it is a good thing. The world will be rid of bullying, of invasions of innocent countries based on b...

This just in: Bullies have good reasons to bully

In an recent article found in Yahoo from Robbin Nixon of of Livecom it appears that bullies have a good apologist for their tendencies for wanting to bully others. Nixon writes: "Kids who get bullied and snubbed by peers may be more likely to have problems in other parts of their lives, past studies have shown. And now researchers have found at least three factors in a child's behavior that can lead to social rejection." He goes on further to proclaim that it is not the bully abnormal social integration but it is the bullied who should consider changing his social mantra, so he won't get bullied. He states: "The factors involve a child's inability to pick up on and respond to nonverbal cues from their pals". All of this is based on new studies and reflections coming from child experts like Richard Lavoie who reasons that social rejection is the underlying motivation where children are most likely to over compensate for wanting to be accepted by their pe...