
Showing posts from March 14, 2010

Paradigms rooted in reality or not?: Judge Mathis, Coach Dungy et al

First let me applaud the work of two positive social and justice pioneers. The work of Judge Greg Mathis and that of Coach Tony Dungy speaks for itself. Both men are very successful in their respective fields where Mathis has become a succcessful judge and Dungy is a retired successful major league football coach. Both are African American and both have overcome odds that are not foreign to African American men who are striving to create a life of dignity and pride for them and their love ones and for the community at large. Through the Black Prisoner Initiative, PEER, (Prisoner Empowerment, Education and Respect), Judge Mathis is working to assist young (and old) African American men rebound after being criminalized and imprisoned for their alleged mistakes in life. The Initiative pushes for another chance for these individuals that would help them to redeem their place in society and attempt to replicate the success of other African Americans who have learned to overcome in envi...

Montel Williams pushes payday loans

The MoneyMutual site reads: Why does Montel Williams endorse MoneyMutual? Celebrated talk show host and Daytime Emmy Award winner Montel Williams associates himself only with products that help people live better physically, spiritually, financially and emotionally. He understands that people will find themselves with difficult to pay expenses due to lack of funds or credit and agrees that a cash advance can provide the needed quick assistance and help avoid more costly fees. In times where the welfare of many is being threatened by runaway bank charges, high interest rates, high unemployment, a spirited IRS, predator credit lending companies, the cost unjust wars and general corporate greed in general. It makes since that in our desperation we become victimized by Payday loan companies that have proliferated in the last decade in both the depressed inner-city communities over the Internet. It's simple. If you're already living from paycheck to paycheck, why not s...