The forever asymmetrical warfare against Poor and People-of-Color Well, before you attempt to go on the defense consider this as not a personal attack against all their people who are genuinely trying to love their neighbor – no matter what the racial orientation may be. If you are not consciously allowing hatred to go forward, you too can take a pass. Unfortunately, the majority of people of privilege do not genuinely [emphasis] love their neighbors, and they are consciously aware of the asymmetrical warfare that has been taking place against people-of-color for centuries. Just like the riches of the land (or other people’ land) have been passed down through generations, the weapons used to assault others have also. Let’s take a closer look phrase asymmetrical warfare. Today’s acceptable definition of warfare depicts people physically fighting each other on the battlefield using both hand-to-hand combat and physical weapons. Yet ad...
Showing posts from November 26, 2017