
Showing posts from January 16, 2011

Michael Steele, don't let the door hit you on the way out

Michael Steele being ceremoniously and democratically cast into darkness from his chairmanship of the Republican National Committee (RNC) probably could rate as a top ten story for 2011—and it's only January. It is what prognosticators live for. Let's take a closer look. First of all, any one playing close attention to his last words are able to discern the wordplay. Did he say exit stage left ,or was exit stage right ? Answer: “exit stage right”. The moral of this story is that Steele probably didn't know his right from his left as he strained to use his prepared notes. One Classic Liberal blogger got it right with the health care issue in the background. Sarah Palin left with good reason, to get rid of the John McCains!  Michael Steele needs to exit stage left too, because with friends like Steele, we may stop ObamaCare, but we'll just get stuck with RomneyCare instead.  It's a lose-lose situation. However, Steele's two year stint as the Republican Nati...