
Showing posts from February 14, 2010

Common Threads: "Precious", "Haiti" and the "We are the World" Requiem

It is my belief that all things in this universe are threaded in some way. Each thread are not necessarily the same, but a closer investigation, the collective commonality can manifest predicted outcomes. For instance, in the Christian scripture that states that "All things work for the good for them who love the Lord". One common deduction can be that evil and good not only run parallel, but they intersect. Hence, where there is good, in this world, evil is also lurking somewhere in the scheme. It is arguable that in order to achieve a noble result, one has to go through hell to get there. Can anyone relate? So, one has to see tribulation as an opportunity. Tribulation will come, but, hopefully, God makes it pliable and manageable and in degrees. I've argued that the law of 'cause and effect' colors everything that happens in this life. For some strange reason Haiti finds itself overcome with a devastating disaster. Why did it happen? And, what happens next? The ...