
Showing posts from December 17, 2017

You don't have to be a celebrity to be a target

Just think that we as a nation can be naïve especially when being unable to connect the dots regarding how 'high profile' people being vilified as a façade to cover the fact that all of us can be destroyed by the same pervasive machinations. No, the systemic assault by a totalitarian infrastructure that attempts to indict the famous, it simultaneously each and everyone of us. The effect - the way it is happening manifests itself in every human activity of life.  The same that they are doing to be celebrity they are doing the same to you - of course, it's not publicized.  For instance, let take a Bill Cosby.  Even as his sexual assault case is not a rarity, his celebrity is as many black men already incarcerated for the same charges are locked away.  You didn't know that? Are you able to see it? Pray for clarity as the enemy does not discriminate - that's the tragedy when we 'little people' think that we are immune or are unable to see the deceitful c...

First Iranian Military Convoy Enters Syria Through Land Route From Iraq – Reports

First Iranian Military Convoy Enters Syria Through Land Route From Iraq – Reports