New Year with same old issues
I t may be a bit taboo to suggest that bringing in the New Year is an annual festivity marking the transition from the previous year. Most celebrations are habitual, if not reflexive, as most Americans are programmed to just participate in seemingly superficial rituals that often fail to recognize how the world has fully shifted. Based on the law of 'cause and effect' the shift just didn't start in 2011, but the shift has been going on for a awhile now. Sure, why each has it's unique happening, like 2011 finding over 14 million people unemployed--and, staying unemployed or the colonial West soundly manifesting its colonial inclinations while toppling sovereign,weaker nations events like these make 2011 a very significant year. Let's not forget the Middle East uprisings and the increased saber rattling that finds Israel consolidating its position of being on the ready to destroy anything that is interpreted as a threat to its apartheid state o...