PART I: Humanitarian Intervention (HI): The Greatest Fraud on Lovers of Human Life
The imperial Humanitarian Intervention (HI) is probably the last frontier of imperial fraud that we will ever experience in theses end times. As one research think tank offers their take on the efficacy and nobility of the meaning of this phrase it should become clear that it is simply a tool that is used for more powerful nations to attempt subordinating less powerful - has nothing to do with the people that are the victims (collateral damage) and are left homeless, wounded and/or murdered. Let's take a closer look. While there have been a proliferation in debate on the merits of HI there is one, the MISES Institute (short name for Lugwig von Mises Institute for Austrian Economics). that continues to do research on global issues related to modern day global conflicts [Also, he reference here has nothing to do with Austrian racism as objective research can been found in the most unlikeliest places]. This may go back a ways, but an article submitted ...