PART I: Humanitarian Intervention (HI): The Greatest Fraud on Lovers of Human Life
The imperial Humanitarian Intervention (HI) is probably the last frontier of imperial fraud that we will ever experience in theses end times. As one research think tank offers their take on the efficacy and nobility of the meaning of this phrase it should become clear that it is simply a tool that is used for more powerful nations to attempt subordinating less powerful - has nothing to do with the people that are the victims (collateral damage) and are left homeless, wounded and/or murdered.
Let's take a closer look.
While there have been a proliferation in debate on the merits of HI there is one, the MISES Institute (short name for Lugwig von Mises Institute for Austrian Economics). that continues to do research on global issues related to modern day global conflicts [Also, he reference here has nothing to do with Austrian racism as objective research can been found in the most unlikeliest places].
This may go back a ways, but an article submitted by one of its progenitors Marko Marjanovic offers profound insight stating by HI is such a "bad idea" and needs further consideration. Amongst the reasons listed include:
HI is funded by taxation, which is theft.
Yes theft. As a rule, citizens are not consulted about how their tax dollars will be distributed - in a democracy their supposed elected representative is charged with making that decision. In the case of the U.S. Presidential system versus Parliamentary System, the layers of power are mostly found between Congress, Supreme Court and the Office of the President where many intermediaries are scrambling to appease this juggernaut of imperial rule.
As I mentioned earlier in an article, the DNA of the Imperial Collective Mindset (ICM)is antithetical to serving its subjects (in this case the taxpayers), which by logical default makes it moot that there ever was a model democracy that works solely for the people.
The point is that just like HI, rule by representation is a historical scandalous plot that has effectively pulled he wove over the eyes of the masses for a long time.
The common thread between the two (HI and ICM) is that both are tools of destruction. Both achieves its goals through aggression, propaganda and deceit (Probably the most underrated sector of society is its propaganda apparatuses (of course this is not a 'new' revelation). But the desired outcome is making palatable their aggression palatable to subjects that pay the taxes.
So the goal of any Humanitarian Intervention is, once again, is to be a tool of the Imperialist Collective Mindset need for domination, it is used for achieving that goal - and more power. Humans who voluntarily or non-voluntarily get in the way are expendable - even when the Intervention was purportedly made to protect and save the same.
Here it should be noted not all areas that fit the bill for suffering are candidates for HI - however, they may become based on the strategic interests of the a ICM.
Let's take a closer look.
While there have been a proliferation in debate on the merits of HI there is one, the MISES Institute (short name for Lugwig von Mises Institute for Austrian Economics). that continues to do research on global issues related to modern day global conflicts [Also, he reference here has nothing to do with Austrian racism as objective research can been found in the most unlikeliest places].
This may go back a ways, but an article submitted by one of its progenitors Marko Marjanovic offers profound insight stating by HI is such a "bad idea" and needs further consideration. Amongst the reasons listed include:
HI is funded by taxation, which is theft.
Yes theft. As a rule, citizens are not consulted about how their tax dollars will be distributed - in a democracy their supposed elected representative is charged with making that decision. In the case of the U.S. Presidential system versus Parliamentary System, the layers of power are mostly found between Congress, Supreme Court and the Office of the President where many intermediaries are scrambling to appease this juggernaut of imperial rule.
As I mentioned earlier in an article, the DNA of the Imperial Collective Mindset (ICM)is antithetical to serving its subjects (in this case the taxpayers), which by logical default makes it moot that there ever was a model democracy that works solely for the people.
The point is that just like HI, rule by representation is a historical scandalous plot that has effectively pulled he wove over the eyes of the masses for a long time.
The common thread between the two (HI and ICM) is that both are tools of destruction. Both achieves its goals through aggression, propaganda and deceit (Probably the most underrated sector of society is its propaganda apparatuses (of course this is not a 'new' revelation). But the desired outcome is making palatable their aggression palatable to subjects that pay the taxes.
So the goal of any Humanitarian Intervention is, once again, is to be a tool of the Imperialist Collective Mindset need for domination, it is used for achieving that goal - and more power. Humans who voluntarily or non-voluntarily get in the way are expendable - even when the Intervention was purportedly made to protect and save the same.
Here it should be noted not all areas that fit the bill for suffering are candidates for HI - however, they may become based on the strategic interests of the a ICM.
Eventually, once the people realize and accept that they are only a part of the imperial master design for conquering, maybe one day they can respond, accordingly. however, for he purpose of this article, today there is nary a heartbeat for responding beyond the voices of truth tellers (like myself) who fight everyday to liberate the Subservient Collective Mindset (SCM) to confront the ICM.
While Marjanovic mentions several aditional categories for defining HI and its consequences, including: Any HI will result in innocents being killed or injured; War psychosis in intervening can actually be used to prop up a certain ruler (or produce regime change);
Any state (US included) can be in violation of human rights at any given time or as a matter of adversarial standards - so the logic goes that virtually every state deserve an intervention - from foreigners.
It breaches local magistrate and allows foreigners to come into one's foreign abode to dictate; and, it builds on the imperialist' principles where hegemony is given too much dignity in the global mix, so one should understand at this point that just like climate change those in power tend to have little interests in the stewardship of God's earth and the people that God has created (Thank God there are exceptions).
Yet to conclude this submission about the threat of Humanitarian Intervention, it should be clear that even if intervention is needed (as the world can used Divine Intervention - right now) those in power has successfully distorted its righteousness by using it has a tool of selfishness, control and deceit to destroy and to gain more power on earth.
People who are innocent bystanders -their only alternative is to run for their lives, if indeed there is a place to run.
Jerel Shaw
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