The Colonial Fix: What group can help me?

Every since the reported first European colony hit the America shores in the 1400's, I have yet to read about the saving dynamic of colonial life.  Sure, we hear about how countries colonize the land of other countries and how they force their culture on the natives once they are in complete control.  We also heard of the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 and the Manifest Destiny in 1545.   The latter proclaims that it is only its colony's right to spread their values and cultures on others, free or bonded and the former declares how the colony must claim as much as it can of other people's colonies. While this thought is said to receded, it hard to tel a the modern day neoconservative colonial thinkers have taken hold in most of today's geopolitical dramas.

Both doctrines are good examples that by their mere definitions that they not only exhibit the potential perils of conquering other colonies, but both demonstrate the will and the sheer force of man to overtake other brothers and sisters in a world where we supposedly have multi-ethnic and/or and multi-cultural colonies in the world. The American Christian colony happens to me the most dominant in the world today.

It's not that Christianity is necessarily the, and so to speak, the right religion for the world.  But it so happens that Christian colonies have more firepower than the rest of the world and own most of the financial venues needed for colonial survivor, not to mention infrastructure and superior technology. Observe how the Christian religion is the reverent choice as the Pope wanders into hostile territories and amazingly how he manages to receive the idolization of millions.  Hence, Muslim religion is constantly denigrated, directly or indirectly.

Observe how passionate the Christian world is when it comes to owning nuclear weapons and would fight to the end if a non-colony entity (who may still be a member of Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and is based on the loose consensus of diverse colonies) declares their rights, but they lack main colonial approval.  Wherein another related colony who stores nuclear weapons never seems to bother most powerful colony in the world because they are seen as essential to the main colony's existence or ways.  Can you imagine the sin of gluttony, I'm sure that the today's Israel are feeling pretty gluttonous with their colonial status, plus having the unconditional backing of the world's only 'superpower'.    A study in contrast would be the occupied colonies of Palestine and Haiti. Add Afghanistan and Iraq.  These countries will serve as a satellite of trophies for many years to come and as a bonus will help remind the rest of world that the Colony of the U.S. and friends should not be messed or disobeyed.

Finally, observe how announce  your colony monetary exchange to something else other than the dollar which is the accepted anchor of world trade, finance and commerce, or talking about having a counter United States of Africa.  Remarks against or any opposing consideration to the main colony's sacred dominions is basically an act of war. One need only study the etiology in the thinking of Colonel Qaddafi.  The dreadful consequences of such rebellious thinking against the master colony can be deadly.  Haiti probably will be colonized by stronger colonies until at least they are liberated by Jesus, Himself.

If you really want to see the beast of Christianity come out, just start messing with the sacraments mentioned above.

Even though Christian values, ethics, and theologies have evolved over the century, the Christian brand label just can't be shaken.

But whether we would admit it or not, the real lesson here is that one is better off in their journey through life on earth when belonging to a strong colony.  So if you are living in America, you are in good hands.  Yet there is a lot of turbulence and unfairness that either go unseen or is ignored.  

The pivotal argument is how people have lost their way even when being a member of the most powerful colony in the world.   For instance, within this colony you still have the homeless, a multitude living without health care, joblessness, the largest incarceration rate in the world,  illiteracy, high crime rates, diseases,starvation, and, of course, racism.  So just because you are a member of the largest colony, does not guarantee maximum your life security  if your sub-colony is weak.

The fact is that in America, we have a lot of little colonies that make up the main colony.  Some are strong and some of weak, but most are co-dependant on their membership within their respective colony and in turn that colony's biggest dependency is on the big main colony-America.

Not belonging to the right colony may be detrimental to one's health.

The basis of this argument presupposes that most citizens are vying for acceptance within the right colony. Being in the right colony may be the difference of you going to jail or being incarcerated;  the difference in having enough food to eat or not;  the difference in a gaining high levels of education;  the difference in affluence and ridicule;  the difference of life and death.  Most individual colonist are well aware of this significance which further explains why the old cliche "family is thicker than blood" is outmoded.  If your family can indeed offer you what you are seeking, i.e., security, education, economic prosperity, friendship, sex, influence, high paying job, etc., you probably never will stray away from the bloodline.  But even the church colony has more influence than the family today.

While one can argue that they remain connected to their blood family, or the family that is responsible for their upbringing, the chances for them not venturing well beyond this stage is enormous.  If one would reflect on how you and someone  were close years ago and now have completely evolved out of each other's life, it shouldn't be a surprise.  The reason while one may try to keep a degree pf marginal ties to their old friends and family is not because they have to, or even want to, but because they haven't really completely shed the sentimental and romantic influence of their early cultural indoctrination, but the cutting of ties is inevitable--maybe not in appearance, but surely in real situations.  The family only stays in the mix when they can't be displaced by a better proposition.

Moreover, the question should be ask today is 'not who your family is'; whether, 'what colony do you belong'? Whatever colony can offer the most comfort, security, access to pleasures, along with their circle of influence, that is the colony that most people are striving for.  The only other option is to be able to thread the strengths of different colonies together.  Hence, today, mot people belong to more than one colony in descending order.  The colony that one is most endeared is the one that appears to offer the most.

If this theory holds true, it shouldn't be a surprise to see a proliferation of interracial mixing, or two people starting a business, one white one black but both have money, or even a black President who surely is not accountable to any black heritage or colony for his ascendancy.  This President has found a colony early on that will help him to achieve his life aspirations.  The people in the ghetto, or those blacks who are jobless and powerless, the people in these colonies don't create Presidential material.  The vote is the only salvation for Obama to visit home every once in a while and to join his paternalistic colony members in checking out a basketball game every now and then.

A bigger question should be: "What if you can't find a accommodating colony'?  Well in the words of my ex-marine drill instructor:  "Your #$ is grass".



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