Taking Wooden Nickels: Man Cluelessness in Crisis can be final and fatal
Society has been proliferated with data coming from research that examines the real status of Americans. But, no matter how profound and informative the data may be, humans have what one would call a 'selective perception' opting to believe a lie before the truth. Hence, hoping vs. reality seem to have clashed since the beginning of time.
Currently, the government is supposedly determining the amount of direct funding that it would issue to its (some) citizens to help them overcome the ravages of a virus pandemic that has placed society in and obit of uncertainty. And, while those in government are acting like they care it's arguable that our capitalistic system are revealing holes in human response. To be perfectly clear, the banks, wall street, airlines are really the priority - just like before. Every profit making entity supersedes human concerns for those most at risk, i.e., the elderly, disabled, and citizens in general. Now people would like to hope that this is not the case, but reality begs to differ.
People Just Want to Return to Normal?
This is where too many aren't reading the handwriting on the wall. Things just don't happen - but it's more to the story because things will never be the same that they were, and if they are, humans haven't learn any lessons.
Let's take a look at a partial list of the things that humans have learned to accept has normal:
Let's stop there, but this is the normalcy that people want to return which brings us to the argument that God has a hand in this pandemic. God has been warning humans for some time. And, our loving God is slow to justice (people getting what they deserve one da). We've been warned for centuries about wayward actions of humans that have caused much suffering and disenfranchisement. Quite simply put, it is impractical to return to the same statuses that we have learn to accept (and support) before this current crisis hit. Matter of fact, this writer believes that we are in the 'final warning stage'. Hence, to comprehend the depth of the latter can save many, It's downright indignant to see the evidence that humans are incredulous in their denial.
During this time I have spoken to many associates who seem to be unaware of the vital consequences and appear to be waiting-out the storm - so that they can return to things as usual.
If I had one 'nugget of wisdom' to offer, it would be that humans refine the art of social distancing within the context of preserving your human energies on things that matter most - wrapped in the belief that we must prepare ourselves to ascend further into God's dominion that has many many dimensions and space. Getting through these entrances (this writer suggest) being able to complete what you've been assigned on earth. Many of us want to believe that our assignments are bound to simply breathing, surviving and enjoying life in this world - but, it's much more than that, and those who are able to understand this should consider themselves highly blessed.
Nothing is Free!
When receiving 'free money' (of course there is no such thing), one can expect enough to cover their basic expenses; and a flow that will continue until the storm has passed over. Unfortunately the means test fails to solve neither. Whether it's $1000 or $2000 it will not be enough even for those who have decent paying jobs, or have some type of asset (like a house) that can prop up that portfolio. Eventually humans will find themselves at their wits end for problem solving. One can find it plausible to accept that humans are given gifts to develop solutions, but history has shown that problems are never solved completely which arguably shows the limitation of man. Call it grace that we have been allowed to go from one crises to another crises to buy time. But, just like the dollar, the value of exchange has been incrementally decimated over time as even the dollar can't but heaven.
What Jobs?
Overnight the unemployment rate has gone from the lowest in modern times at 5% to an estimated highest in modern times 20%. Considerations should be given to the fact the the unemployment that is reported monthly by the Federal government has never factored in the scheme that leaves out millions who have dropped out of the job market, and the fact that minimum wage jobs really don't merit, necessarily, being employed. So believing what you've been told continues to be an endemic problem that has altered reality of many.
Millions don't even have emergency income
A Federal Reserve study found that Almost 40% of American adults wouldn’t be able to cover a $400 emergency with cash, savings or a credit-card charge that they could quickly pay off. This no small matter - facts don't lie. However, society appears zombitized to adjusting to this reality. Put desperation and chaos, people would take anything amount of money to sooth them from the shock the shock that engulfs them when a crisis strike - and the ruling oligarchy knows this much who have always worked in the shadows of our minds at building a foundation of fear and timidity.
The law of diminishing returns does allow for those who are fortunate to have more to last out longer. But even there distorted assets will be will inevitably be hollowed out. That's is called the the first sin belief of a system that is based on predatory mechanism that eats away at anything that dares to show human compassion of the care of others. The 'world winning' is not something defined by by the hearts and soul of humans but by their masters.
The 40% who are left to take the leftover crumbs can't afford not to say 'no' or even take the time to investigate the merits or the fairness of the offering. For someone from the underground resistance to make it an issue sure brings out the wrath from fellow sufferers - and this is just what the oligarchy desires.
Yes, it does seems unimaginable to to surmise that 'father shall turn against son. mother against daughter, and children against parents' could ever become a reality, but it's happening. Not that your 'love ones' are killing you with a gun but they are surely joining camps and tribes where the goal is to destroy what they define as anachronistic elements of the past that have no use in today's society. Hence,we may still have family components today, but they are driven by a parasitical materialism that is the fruit of greed, selfishness, and desperation that when push comes to shove anyone is vulnerable to to betrayal.
Desperation flows from the top
The desperate and dysfunctioning leadership in the White House, as well as Congress, are at it again. Their recent actions adds credence to the euphemism that says "cash is king". Of course the cash handout to citizens leaves out the biggest motive, that being reliance on cash to quiet the masses means any amount that would apply bandages to the issue at hand. Ultimately, it solves nothing but is most ost like destined to the same vicious cycles that keeps humans in a state of desperation. The White House said it was preparing to send the payments to Americans within two weeks as part of a vast stimulus package to shore-up confidence in the world's largest economy.
The problem shows humans at their worst when the have little control of the situation, Afterall, who expected the Covid-13 Virus to appears on the scene. It was never invited, or was it? Whatever the situation, human don't know what to do as the conspiratists suggest that it's a outcome of a man made bio weapon that was meant to destroy a competitor or enemy. Either way, whatever the origin, right now its intended purpose is well out of the control of humans.
The nation should see that the highest position in America is held by someone who doesn't tell the truth. So why would Americans believe a thing that he says in a time of crisis - desperation and chaos sometimes brings out the worst. It's an enviable position that no one wants to be in, Yet, it's hard to believe that 'wooden nickels' can cover-up this great malaise of incompetence.
Getting a Grip on Reality
Here's the real deal. If humans are not able to respond properly to this intervention - repent and turn from your wicked ways - consider it all down hill from here. I take no pleasure in telling you this truth, but instead, I must tell you because indeed it is the truth. Those who want to return to normal should pray for understanding.
Jerel Shaw has been writing for over 40 years about matters that humans should concern themselves with, mostly things that they care not to indulge. His recent book: Passages Through Grace: Life's True Bucket List (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1672518334) is a essay memoir-style presentation that discusses why humans are running out of time to do the right things and to fulfil their calling in a fading world.
Currently, the government is supposedly determining the amount of direct funding that it would issue to its (some) citizens to help them overcome the ravages of a virus pandemic that has placed society in and obit of uncertainty. And, while those in government are acting like they care it's arguable that our capitalistic system are revealing holes in human response. To be perfectly clear, the banks, wall street, airlines are really the priority - just like before. Every profit making entity supersedes human concerns for those most at risk, i.e., the elderly, disabled, and citizens in general. Now people would like to hope that this is not the case, but reality begs to differ.
People Just Want to Return to Normal?
This is where too many aren't reading the handwriting on the wall. Things just don't happen - but it's more to the story because things will never be the same that they were, and if they are, humans haven't learn any lessons.
Let's take a look at a partial list of the things that humans have learned to accept has normal:
Forever Wars. Yes, Americans say they don't like wars, but that's seem to be lie as we continue to elect leaders that aggravate peace from the 4-corners of the globe, and it physically manifested in military bases throughout the same globe. Hybrid Wars in the form of both military confrontations and sanctions. Collectively, Americans are accessories to millions of deaths throughout the world including of fighters and innocent men, women and children. We've accepted this ongoing slaughter as normal.
Racism. This evil is as American as apple pie. To be fair, it's a global crime. Humans have been given centuries to fix it, and they have applied many patches to the sore, yet it systemically persists today and even our closest ally (Israel) has been given carte blanche to build an apartheid society. They receive billions of our tax dollars annually, and some and no has had the guts to say 'no more'. While more Blacks and Whites are working together and even marrying it does not eradicate the deep wounds that have never been healed. We've who do get the most respect are class conscience Blacks whose skills or position allows them to sell-out all others. Yet the statuses that we have accepted is what we want to return.
Colonialism.. Not sure why the prefix 'Post' was placed before this noun, but the world imperials keep returning to the fountain of world domination. European and all other Western countries refuses to stop trying to run developing countries and demand that they become (or remain) subservient to an imperial-slave paradigm. It's really a disgraceful status as so many countries have either been neutered or destroyed by this domination matrix. It's been centuries that Africa has been fighting for the independence to make their own decisions from South Africa to Nigeria to Haiti; also, include other nations of color like Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Yemen the colonial control outweighs any progress because the White European and the Zionists have always felt that they were the masters the universe. This returning to the normal conditions that people are urgently yearning to return too.
The Myth of American Exceptionalism. Right, Americans after being told this for years are now accepting it. We are better than anyone. God only loves us. We are superior, and on and on. As millions have died form America and It's imperial coalitions, it appears that people just don't care. The love of many have truly waxed cold. Immigration has been demonized; Drone warfare on the innocents doen't bother us; overthrowing legitmate countries even its goes against international does not apply to. Amd America has used it financial system to blackmailed many so-called democracies to follow their lead. It's become normal.
Extrajudicial Killings. Especially to Black men and People of Color has become a American past-time, but once again it's become a systemic part of a society that haven't overcome the aforementioned abnormal statuses and behavior. Supported by right-wing leadership where the courts seem impervious to racial prejudice, the whole prison complex speaks to centuries of racial leanings that have proliferated through the years. Also, as there are supose to be reform (that is overdue), one shouldn't expect it to flow smoothly. Yet his is the type things that "Christian" people accept as normal, and are yearning to.
Moral Decay. The hedonistic nature of many appear irreparable. Our system seem intent on spitting in the face of God.
Let's stop there, but this is the normalcy that people want to return which brings us to the argument that God has a hand in this pandemic. God has been warning humans for some time. And, our loving God is slow to justice (people getting what they deserve one da). We've been warned for centuries about wayward actions of humans that have caused much suffering and disenfranchisement. Quite simply put, it is impractical to return to the same statuses that we have learn to accept (and support) before this current crisis hit. Matter of fact, this writer believes that we are in the 'final warning stage'. Hence, to comprehend the depth of the latter can save many, It's downright indignant to see the evidence that humans are incredulous in their denial.
During this time I have spoken to many associates who seem to be unaware of the vital consequences and appear to be waiting-out the storm - so that they can return to things as usual.
If I had one 'nugget of wisdom' to offer, it would be that humans refine the art of social distancing within the context of preserving your human energies on things that matter most - wrapped in the belief that we must prepare ourselves to ascend further into God's dominion that has many many dimensions and space. Getting through these entrances (this writer suggest) being able to complete what you've been assigned on earth. Many of us want to believe that our assignments are bound to simply breathing, surviving and enjoying life in this world - but, it's much more than that, and those who are able to understand this should consider themselves highly blessed.
Nothing is Free!
When receiving 'free money' (of course there is no such thing), one can expect enough to cover their basic expenses; and a flow that will continue until the storm has passed over. Unfortunately the means test fails to solve neither. Whether it's $1000 or $2000 it will not be enough even for those who have decent paying jobs, or have some type of asset (like a house) that can prop up that portfolio. Eventually humans will find themselves at their wits end for problem solving. One can find it plausible to accept that humans are given gifts to develop solutions, but history has shown that problems are never solved completely which arguably shows the limitation of man. Call it grace that we have been allowed to go from one crises to another crises to buy time. But, just like the dollar, the value of exchange has been incrementally decimated over time as even the dollar can't but heaven.
Almost 40% of American adults wouldn't be able to cover a $400 emergency with cash, savings or a credit -card charge what hey could quickly pay off.
What Jobs?
Overnight the unemployment rate has gone from the lowest in modern times at 5% to an estimated highest in modern times 20%. Considerations should be given to the fact the the unemployment that is reported monthly by the Federal government has never factored in the scheme that leaves out millions who have dropped out of the job market, and the fact that minimum wage jobs really don't merit, necessarily, being employed. So believing what you've been told continues to be an endemic problem that has altered reality of many.
Millions don't even have emergency income
A Federal Reserve study found that Almost 40% of American adults wouldn’t be able to cover a $400 emergency with cash, savings or a credit-card charge that they could quickly pay off. This no small matter - facts don't lie. However, society appears zombitized to adjusting to this reality. Put desperation and chaos, people would take anything amount of money to sooth them from the shock the shock that engulfs them when a crisis strike - and the ruling oligarchy knows this much who have always worked in the shadows of our minds at building a foundation of fear and timidity.
The law of diminishing returns does allow for those who are fortunate to have more to last out longer. But even there distorted assets will be will inevitably be hollowed out. That's is called the the first sin belief of a system that is based on predatory mechanism that eats away at anything that dares to show human compassion of the care of others. The 'world winning' is not something defined by by the hearts and soul of humans but by their masters.
The 40% who are left to take the leftover crumbs can't afford not to say 'no' or even take the time to investigate the merits or the fairness of the offering. For someone from the underground resistance to make it an issue sure brings out the wrath from fellow sufferers - and this is just what the oligarchy desires.
Yes, it does seems unimaginable to to surmise that 'father shall turn against son. mother against daughter, and children against parents' could ever become a reality, but it's happening. Not that your 'love ones' are killing you with a gun but they are surely joining camps and tribes where the goal is to destroy what they define as anachronistic elements of the past that have no use in today's society. Hence,we may still have family components today, but they are driven by a parasitical materialism that is the fruit of greed, selfishness, and desperation that when push comes to shove anyone is vulnerable to to betrayal.
The White House said it was preparing to send the payments to Americans with two weeks as part of a vast stimulus package to shore-up confidence in the world's largest economy...
Desperation flows from the top
The desperate and dysfunctioning leadership in the White House, as well as Congress, are at it again. Their recent actions adds credence to the euphemism that says "cash is king". Of course the cash handout to citizens leaves out the biggest motive, that being reliance on cash to quiet the masses means any amount that would apply bandages to the issue at hand. Ultimately, it solves nothing but is most ost like destined to the same vicious cycles that keeps humans in a state of desperation. The White House said it was preparing to send the payments to Americans within two weeks as part of a vast stimulus package to shore-up confidence in the world's largest economy.
The problem shows humans at their worst when the have little control of the situation, Afterall, who expected the Covid-13 Virus to appears on the scene. It was never invited, or was it? Whatever the situation, human don't know what to do as the conspiratists suggest that it's a outcome of a man made bio weapon that was meant to destroy a competitor or enemy. Either way, whatever the origin, right now its intended purpose is well out of the control of humans.
The nation should see that the highest position in America is held by someone who doesn't tell the truth. So why would Americans believe a thing that he says in a time of crisis - desperation and chaos sometimes brings out the worst. It's an enviable position that no one wants to be in, Yet, it's hard to believe that 'wooden nickels' can cover-up this great malaise of incompetence.
Getting a Grip on Reality
Here's the real deal. If humans are not able to respond properly to this intervention - repent and turn from your wicked ways - consider it all down hill from here. I take no pleasure in telling you this truth, but instead, I must tell you because indeed it is the truth. Those who want to return to normal should pray for understanding.
Jerel Shaw has been writing for over 40 years about matters that humans should concern themselves with, mostly things that they care not to indulge. His recent book: Passages Through Grace: Life's True Bucket List (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1672518334) is a essay memoir-style presentation that discusses why humans are running out of time to do the right things and to fulfil their calling in a fading world.
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