Inconvenient Truths: Impediments to Justice for all
"The truth is staring you in the face" was the words sometimes used by my high school tennis coach as he opined on the difference between a winner and a loser. The winner always takes the bull by the horns and, by any means necessary, finds a way to win. The loser does the opposite, he's always running from the truth. If indeed there is some value in the Biblical words stating that the "truth shall set you free" than maybe society should take note of the facts on the ground and start winning the divers battles that help to determine a fair and just society as oppose to one that perpetually pits the haves against the have-nots. . . . when will a Christian nation get their heads out of the ground and began to face dire facts that can and should be corrected? . . . How can a truly Christian society proclaim freedom when so many of their inhabitants are 'clinging to life' in the land of opportunity? What are the facts? Well I m...