Being able to kill other people: Requisite for Christian American Leaders?
"It's incredible that in the most powerful country in the world, which spends billions of dollars on brutal wars ... people do not have enough money to stay in their homes" Nicaragua leftist President Daniel Ortega I asked one of my colleagues about the word "kill" , on how it relates to leadership in a Christian nation. Does being able condone killing makes one more Presidential? For that matter, must all elected officials in America, starting with (let's say) state governors and ending with the U.S. President, wear that bold badge of courage known as being able to order that people be killed? If history is revealed, the present President ranks high in directly or directly responsible for killing people. When serving as the Governor Texas, Bush, Jr. partnered with recently maligned U.S. Attorney General Gonzalez in allowing executions. In a magazine article it was reported that " During Bush's six years as governor 150 men and two women were execut...