Being able to kill other people: Requisite for Christian American Leaders?

"It's incredible that in the most powerful country in the world,
which spends billions of dollars on brutal wars ...
people do not have enough money to stay in their homes"
Nicaragua leftist President Daniel Ortega

I asked one of my colleagues about the word "kill" , on how it relates to leadership in a Christian nation. Does being able condone killing makes one more Presidential? For that matter, must all elected officials in America, starting with (let's say) state governors and ending with the U.S. President, wear that bold badge of courage known as being able to order that people be killed?

If history is revealed, the present President ranks high in directly or directly responsible for killing people. When serving as the Governor Texas, Bush, Jr. partnered with recently maligned U.S. Attorney General Gonzalez in allowing executions. In a magazine article it was reported that "During Bush's six years as governor 150 men and two women were executed in Texas—a record unmatched by any other governor in modern American history" (The Atlantic: Texas Clemency Memos). If Governors don't pull the execution level, they surely become certified accessories or possibly vicarious cheerleaders by refuting clemency or not entertaining any remote chances of saving a human life. The author, Alan Bewlow, stressed how cold the life and death process was in the Texas Criminal System and in general, and expands on this phenomenon further in his book The Wrong Man (November 1999), stating:

" The prospect that innocent people will be executed in America is horrifying".

It takes a special kind of human to premeditate on killing other people, whether the people they are killing is a sworn enemy of the state or has committed heinous murders themselves. In a Judea-Christian society that is called to transcend hate and commended to "love thou enemy" it becomes almost barbaric that being able to kill another person appears to be a right of passage for public officials in America. The prison scandal was no fluke, it was a true microcosm of how a society leader willingly inflict pain on others.

Does this mean that everyone on the battlefield should be considered murderers or killers? Well, there is no gray area, when you kill someone, you kill someone. One might argue that people who are placed in the convention of war are sent there with the predisposition that they are required to protect not only themselves but their country. At the same time, many soldiers have suffered mental disorders because they have a hard time adapting to the world's split personality or being able to understand the blurriness between saving lives and killing lives. As a U.S. Marine, and a Christian, I have also been challenged by this confusing worldly concept.

During Bush's six years as governor
150 men
and two women were
executed in Texas
—a record unmatched by
any other governor in modern
American history.

So, it is not precarious or strange to hear a candidate for the U.S. Presidency recommend that we should "kill" our enemy. Are is it? Or, should it be? America has incorporated so much vile language into it's daily repertoire that it is not strange, indeed, to cavalierly say we must "kill". Senator Obama used that word in referring to how he saw the fate of Bin Laden, "We will kill Osama, crush Al Quada...".

If there is such a thing as the "law of attraction", America has yet to learn its significance. War attracts war; murder attracts murder; hate attracts hate. Likewise, love attracts love; Peace attracts peace; etc, etc. Simply put, we are the things that we incorporate into our speech and actions. Our morals are qualified by our real actions. Only when we are unable to take responsibility for our actions is there a bit of confusion.

Hence, in the Christian sense, the greatest sin in the world today might be that of 'omission'. We only claim what makes us look good in the eyes of God n(Yes, I said that). It's hard to see ourselves as bad or to associate with something that is considered bad--even when we condone killing.

It appears in today's society, our leaders are able to promote peace and war with the same breath. They are able to preach forgiveness and vengeance in the same breath. They are able to forgive and condemn at the same time. In my opinion, what makes an elected President or Governor so popular is not how them stand on the issues, but how they are able to kill other people. If you don't have the guts to kill somebody you are not fit to become Commander-In-Chief.

It's more or less a schizophrenic existence. This is why we should not be quick to trust in times like these. The same people who say they love you one moment will turn against you the next moment.

We will kill Osama, crush Al-Quada...

At first sight, it would appear precarious for someone as innocent looking as Obama is able to become a Commander-In-Chief, hence he would have no hesitation in killing the purported enemy. However, in retrospect, after seeing him throwing his Christian Pastor to the lions, it became clear that he was indeed ruthless. In a sense he allowed for his Pastor to be killed by the media and the opposition. Sure, he said a "mumbling word", but It wasn't to save his Pastor's life, but instead to claim his place for being worthy to becoming the elected President of the United States of America. If one was to research this notion further, most likely one can verify that anyone who threatens one's expected ascension to power are killed (at least figuratively), no matter how much love was claimed in the past.

The real revelation is that it's clear that Obama is not the second coming of Christ, nor second coming of Dr. Martin Luther King. Obama is no prophet or anything remotely resembling spiritual. He is an all-American, cold blooded murderer. The kind that can enslave million of Black folks, kill off an Indian nations, and like was stated earlier, has historically did away with many of lives. No, we are not talking about Jesus or Dr. King, they could never become elected Presidents--no, not the Prince of Peace and the prophet of nonviolence.

And now Obama has arrived. He is now ready to serve and to kill.

Yet as we witness wars and hear about rumor of wars, killing people is just in our American blood. Who would bother to attempt to account for the historical collateral damage executed in wars against other nations. Seemingly without one drop of remorse or concern, and with God our witness, as a nation we have killed mothers, daughters, sons and fathers a thousand times over and still speak about the love of Jesus and 'loving the enemy'.

I would surely propose that whoever becomes the next President must have the requisites to speak peace and justice with one voice and to command murdering others with that same voice. From Africa's shattered inner-city of Mogadishu to the slums of Iraq's Sadr City to American prisons and through the trees of Lebanon, then to the poppy fields of Afghanistan to the mud fields of Haiti and into the small villages of Vietnam to the poor cities of Nicaragua, we've really left our mark of death. We will not only love you by supplying you food and goodwill, but if you don't obey, we will try to love you to death.



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