The Economic Boogeyman: Uncertainty breeds fear and...
Americans have become spooked, not in a metaphorical sense, but in a real sense. The boogeyman (Also spelled as bogeyman) is defined on the online dictionary as an imaginary monster used to frighten children and the lives of many Americans these days. Of course, this phenomenon is not imaginary, the boogeyman economy has brought out a capitalist culture greatest fears, the primary being that we have become as children (Not the one that is spoken of in the Bible),or better said like dogs who eat their own vomit.
The question is what is the nature of the vomit that we are eating?
Well, I'll let you think about that for a moment as I defer to some words coming from the writings of one of my favorite economic/social commentators, Paul Roberts. In one of his latest articles he simply (and as usual) tells it like is is: "American power is on the precipice, about to fall. Perhaps it is a good thing. The world will be rid of bullying, of invasions of innocent countries based on blatant lies, of torture and murder of woman and children, of redistribution of income from the poor to the rich. The criminal record accumulated by the United States makes it the least indispensable country on earth." [Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions. His latest book, How The Economy Was Lost, has just been published by CounterPunch/AK Press. He can be reached at:].
In this excerpt, he is reflecting on the boogeyman state of the American economy--on the state of Americans being unemployed and how the economy is failing many working class Americans including those who are increasing failing to find work to make a living.
The boogey monster has partnered with corporations, banks--in the name of greed. And, this international business cartel has pretty much taken the spirit of being gainfully employed an has created a problematic status known as the American unemployed underclass--or, many more scared Americans. Or, those who are still employed are fearfully walking on egg shells, not knowing if they will be working, or not, comes the next day.
The fraud reasoning is systemic in nature, as the medical and drug industries are reaping the benefits of a scared people. Add to that the penal industry and the government. When times are chaotic, some industries are positioned to raise hell on the hopeless, and they normally follow-through. The fruits of this malignancy are aplenty.
Oh, one would say that Puff Diddy just gave his son a $300,000 car and every time you see him he's clothed in the luxury life.
Well, that's the point. Puff Diddy is an aberration. Of course, he's a successful artist, but like many others, his greatest talent is not providing music, but knowing how to cleverly captivate an audience who are seeking a some type of stimulus to conjure some courage in dealing with their fears. One should begrudge the success of Puff Diddy (I think that was his last advertised name), or any other artists ,entertainer, athlete, after all they only give us what we want. But I wanted to make a simple point, that the bogeymen knows that none of them and their wares can become a cure all.
Once we are overcome by all of the hoopla, we have little time to muster the strength needed to fight the boogeymen of our world.
When a boogeyman does arrive at our door, we're probably preoccupied with escape by watching the latest episodes of "Lost" or the reruns of the "Godfather". We have little time to fight the systemic challenges of life as our sons and daughters (mostly sons) marches off to prison, or (as mentioned earlier) or the news that the largest bank is laying off as their executives are receiving unprecedented bonuses. Must we forget that we forgot why are we in Afghanistan and Iraq anyway as the Haiti catastrophe soothes of conscience of guilt.
Even as some great writers, past and present, have warned us about these days, we are likened unto Noah who was proffered as a lunatic and a loser. Normally the challenges come as a possible of unshackling of a truth is imminent. like in a form of everyday challenges. They stir our most lascivious behaviors, affectations and debases our noble intentions.
So, what is one to do to escape from the boogeymen?
I really don't have all of the answers, as I, too, am running as fast as I can. But, maybe first, one should consider lowering the volume on capitalistic fantasies beginning by stopping denying the truth and start discussions on some possible ways to shift some systemic paradigms, and, learning how to hide or maneuver (better) without being found until the fix comes. Good night and good luck.
The question is what is the nature of the vomit that we are eating?
Well, I'll let you think about that for a moment as I defer to some words coming from the writings of one of my favorite economic/social commentators, Paul Roberts. In one of his latest articles he simply (and as usual) tells it like is is: "American power is on the precipice, about to fall. Perhaps it is a good thing. The world will be rid of bullying, of invasions of innocent countries based on blatant lies, of torture and murder of woman and children, of redistribution of income from the poor to the rich. The criminal record accumulated by the United States makes it the least indispensable country on earth." [Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions. His latest book, How The Economy Was Lost, has just been published by CounterPunch/AK Press. He can be reached at:].
In this excerpt, he is reflecting on the boogeyman state of the American economy--on the state of Americans being unemployed and how the economy is failing many working class Americans including those who are increasing failing to find work to make a living.
More Homeless Americans Living in Cars and Campers (Time).
The boogey monster has partnered with corporations, banks--in the name of greed. And, this international business cartel has pretty much taken the spirit of being gainfully employed an has created a problematic status known as the American unemployed underclass--or, many more scared Americans. Or, those who are still employed are fearfully walking on egg shells, not knowing if they will be working, or not, comes the next day.
The fraud reasoning is systemic in nature, as the medical and drug industries are reaping the benefits of a scared people. Add to that the penal industry and the government. When times are chaotic, some industries are positioned to raise hell on the hopeless, and they normally follow-through. The fruits of this malignancy are aplenty.
Oh, one would say that Puff Diddy just gave his son a $300,000 car and every time you see him he's clothed in the luxury life.
Well, that's the point. Puff Diddy is an aberration. Of course, he's a successful artist, but like many others, his greatest talent is not providing music, but knowing how to cleverly captivate an audience who are seeking a some type of stimulus to conjure some courage in dealing with their fears. One should begrudge the success of Puff Diddy (I think that was his last advertised name), or any other artists ,entertainer, athlete, after all they only give us what we want. But I wanted to make a simple point, that the bogeymen knows that none of them and their wares can become a cure all.
Once we are overcome by all of the hoopla, we have little time to muster the strength needed to fight the boogeymen of our world.
When a boogeyman does arrive at our door, we're probably preoccupied with escape by watching the latest episodes of "Lost" or the reruns of the "Godfather". We have little time to fight the systemic challenges of life as our sons and daughters (mostly sons) marches off to prison, or (as mentioned earlier) or the news that the largest bank is laying off as their executives are receiving unprecedented bonuses. Must we forget that we forgot why are we in Afghanistan and Iraq anyway as the Haiti catastrophe soothes of conscience of guilt.
Even as some great writers, past and present, have warned us about these days, we are likened unto Noah who was proffered as a lunatic and a loser. Normally the challenges come as a possible of unshackling of a truth is imminent. like in a form of everyday challenges. They stir our most lascivious behaviors, affectations and debases our noble intentions.
So, what is one to do to escape from the boogeymen?
I really don't have all of the answers, as I, too, am running as fast as I can. But, maybe first, one should consider lowering the volume on capitalistic fantasies beginning by stopping denying the truth and start discussions on some possible ways to shift some systemic paradigms, and, learning how to hide or maneuver (better) without being found until the fix comes. Good night and good luck.
Tom Delay: "People Are Unemployed Because They Want To Be . . ."
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