One's Quietness in noisy times: Becoming accessors to crimes

Has anyone noticed the real meaning of words "many are called but few are chosen"?  Well, I've got the answer.

It means that most people are quiet on issues that concern for fear (founded or unfounded) of repercussions. It means that people are either being programmed to follow the road of least resistance at strategic times when a response is needed.

Allow me to give some examples for areas of activity where this reality is evident:

War and Crime
Most people refuse to talk against the war(s) because they would be classified as unpatriotic and the fear of being audited by the IRS, he fear of being labelled a terrorist; or the fear of losing 'so called' friends.

 It's easy to talk against a murderer (Presidents, Secretaries of State, Ministers of Defense not included) when its done by ordinary citizens. But it seems strange that most Americans don't seem to grasp that they are accessories to murder at the largest level when we license a select few to do our bidding.

Church Leadership
Since our religious leaders are seen as earthly  gods (catholic priest not included) normally they can get away with anything (Reverend Eddie Long not included) except when people don't know the theology of victomology.  When people don't know when a crime is being committed against them (not including rape and murder) the kindest word that I can use is denial.

In the Black community most preachers can either preach, sing, or (lie) their way in order to receive a god-like adoration.  Not to many blacks are willing to challenge this huckster's behavior especially when titles like Dr., PhD, Right Bishop, etc. camouflages truth. It's only when the outside authority steps in (Thank God!).

Subjugation to Power
Most Americans see power through rose colored lenses--they allow people to be and stay in power.  No we are not just talking about elected officials but we are talking generally about people who regularly exercise the power of image and know how to make people bow down.  Who ever talked bad (I mean really talked bad) about a Ophrah Winfrey?  Or who want to talk bad about black politicians (white included) who keep their hands in cookie jars? (Michael Vick not included here).  As the old saying goes:  Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Many black media outlets kowtow to corporate sponsors (It's a default for Corporate media). And, when blacks do appear in corporate media (broadcast) they appear like sheep or sell-outs (please talk to Juan). Is there a difference between cowardice and fear and between courage and stupid?

Glimpses of hope-- past and present

But thank God for those who seem to be able to do the job that the majority of us can't or refuse to do.  Thank God for Dr. Martin Luther Kings whose living legacy is embodied in his actions of some resisting power (By the way, resistance is not being able to run a successful corporate campaign to build that monument-see above).  In Chapter Two of his book, Strength to Love, in the first paragraph of his speech Dr. King succinctly gives an apology for those who dare disagree:

"Do not conform" is difficult advice in a generation when crowd pressures have unconsciously conditioned our minds and feet to move to the  rhythmic drumbeat of the status quo.  Many voices and forces urge us to choose the path of least resistance, and bid us never to fight for unpopular cause and never to b found in a pathetic minority of two or three...".

At first look King words seem to assuage the cowardly, scared, fearful, contorted and mischievous ways of those who quietly go to he slaughter.  Parents admonish their children to be quiet even when they were called to or is justified in freely expressing their opinion in a democracy.  Friends who enjoy the soothing force of interaction with like minded social creatures dare not to speak up for the good in fear of losing that connection.  The blogs across the Internet is filled with forceful rhetoric that may find someone justly going against the tide but knowing or hoping that their identity is protected from any possible blow back--by agencies like CIA, FBI, The President's Secret Service Commission and let's not forget the Attorney Generals Office even though these concerns shouldn't be an issue for the true believer.

The general masses are pretty much shackled with a quietness that would have greatly appeased some communist countries.  This quietness really plays anathema in a country that supposedly promotes free speech.

What a shame when a young and seemingly progressive young man like Rashard Mendenhall (who happens to play football for the Pittsburgh Steelers) is muted, and probably forever silenced by Champion, a multi-billion dollar corporate sponsor an he is demonized by outspoken sports bloggers (bloggers who earn their living by playing it safe).  Not to mention that most of us remain quiet on systemic issues that is the true core of who we dare to aspire.  Is this the America that King envisioned?  Of course if the bloggers would have used the code words like nigger, monkey, or spook, it would be a safe entrance for the likes of Sharpton or Jackson to speak up.  But, oh no, not this one.

Thank God for a selected number of independent media that calls it like they see it.  Yes, they are a number.  But, we are not talking about corporate media that plays the drum major in dictating to private citizens what should be is in an out of bounds.

Dr. King went on to explain the the virtues of one standing on the principles of his/her beliefs:

"In spite of this prevailing tendency to conform, we as Christians have a mandate to be nonconformists.  The Apostle Paul, who knew the inner realities of the Christian faith counseled, 'Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind'.  We are called to be people of conviction, not conformity; of nobility, not social respectability.  We are commanded to live differently and according to a higher loyalty".
I don't think  King is advocating someone being different just for the sake of being different.  But I do feel that he is reminding us to cloth ourselves with courage and wisdom and to be prepared for the challenges, and, opportunities to speak the truth.

Most Christians should not be surprised or taken aback by current world events.  It is, indeed, these events that have been prophesied and passionately taught in nearly every Sunday School and Schools of Theology.  Our response can either be according to what we know or to yield to our tendencies of conformity and play a profound role of accessorizing  crimes.  There is no option.

Today, we are fortunate to have models to remind us of our calling to go forth and to make a difference even when it isn't the most popular thing to do.  But lets get real, many or most are called but refuse to be chosen for the task.  However, even in quietness innocence flees like the birds flying South.



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