Building Wealth: A fleeting Dream for most Blacks

I just got off the phone with a new associate that I had met (he and his wife) at the local grocery store. Even in a relatively steady moving environment, like the grocery store, the husband, John, came up to me and start chatting about a new economic opportunity or scheme--one that could make you rich.

Needless to say, I've had my share of getting rich schemes. Some are simply corrupt and some are half-baked. Then there are some whose produce is suspect and some that don't make any sense, at all. Most, if not all, are pyramid schemes where one interest is primarily making money versus selling a good product or service.

Like I said earlier, everyone who I know wants to be rich and, sometimes, in worse worse way.

One sign of some get-rich-quick scheme is what I call secretive advertising. It was when I was invited to this party with the promise of receiving a surprise gift. That surprise turned out to be Amway. Of, course Amway is a multi-billion dollar corporation where one might ask how do they fall into the scheme get-rich? The answer to that is simple, they never claimed that you will get rich. There claim was only that you will make money.

The biggest problem I had with Amway was the secrecy and the dishonest advertising where their sponsors (normally a childhood friend) will literally lie about that surprise gift just to reel you in.

Beyond Amway, there have been many: Williams Insurance; Smart Phones; Health Products; Travel Services, etc. Everyone who lives in America should be able to name at least one get-rich scheme that they have either partook or, at last, have been invited to try. Let's face it, get-rich schemes are as apple as American pie. America is the battle ground in the world when it comes to get-rich schemes. People from all over the world come to America to get-rich or to hook an American on a get-rich scheme.

For instance, have you heard about Nigerians running schemes on Americans? What about European Countries offering unheard of profits? Most people have and, thanks to the Internet, these schemes have proliferated in last decade.

But the major question for this article is examining why wealth is fleeting for many blacks. I would argue that because America was not found for other people to get rich except white people.

One would ask, what about the many Black millionaires? What about the Oprah Winfrey's and he Bill Cosby's? What about the rich athletes and the many rich Black entertainers? What about those who hit the lottery and become instant millionaires?

Well, stuff happens.

But, my answer to the above is that not everyone can become a Oprah or a Cosby or the like. Not everyone can become a successful entertainer. In proportion to the total black race, only a very small number blacks become rich in these areas and a very few blacks become rich in their chosen professions. Sure, we can argue about the phrase becoming well-off, but that is not what this discussion is about. It's about being rich.

Well, what about rich black lawyers?

The reason why some are rich is because they exploit others and the system. For instance, take the case of the John Edwards, the ex-presidential candidate who left the recent spotlight in disgrace. He is a very rich trial lawyer. He sues people. Or, take the case of Bill Cosby, he did not become rich necessarily because of his hard work, something that he preaches to less fortunate Negroes a lot, but he became rich because of his timing for giving comedic relief to his customers. How any comedians can become millionaires and billionaires because they are funny? That's right, not too many. Just like everyone who is a fantastic singer or a gifted athlete will not become a rich and professional athlete. There is simply not enough slots to go around. Hence, one should ask that football or basketball player what they did to get rich. Many would say that their God-given gifts were their ticket to stardom and riches and them taking advantage of a rare opportunity. But none would recommend that you quick your day job.

It's just not enough material riches to go around in our system.

Contrary to the scenarios above, there may be only one certified way to become rich in America's capitalistic society, that is to start a successful business. And, you'd better hurry because we are running out of consumers who are able to continue paying a fool's ransom for consumer goods. There's only few businesses that are fail-proof--they include funeral parlors, hospitals, and food. Include gas for Americans. To have a business in America does not guarantee that you will be rich.

From youth, most Americans have been indoctrinated to a drug known as materialistic depression. From a child, all Americans are taught that you can become whatever you want to be and even become rich if you work hard. The popular mega-Black churches teaches social and economic prosperity and teaches that God want everybody to be rich--materialistically. But wait a minutes. who says that crime doesn't pay. Today some young people are being paid handsomely in their drug activity and they are being egged own by hip-hop lyrics and a generally materialistic culture that says, once again, becoming rich is for everybody.

I hate to be the doomsayer, but becoming rich isn't for everybody. Everybody will not become a rich entertainer or athlete. Everyone will not become rich from a myriad of get-rich schemes. Everyone will not become rich trying to mimic others who are rich. Many will not hit the lottery. Some will, but not everyone, just a few will proportionately become rich no matter the scheme.

So the real issue is not how one can become materially rich but how one can become holistically rich? Once Americans tackle this question, we become more grateful when we are lucky. All of the rich entertainers, athletes, lawyers, lottery winners can't pass on any elixir for getting rich because there aren't any. The only sure thing in this life is human beings belief in a a higher being whose essence surpasses any luck-fest here on earth. In America, white Americans have pretty much wrapped up legacy in riches way before Blacks were even allowed to own property. Just imagine over 300 years of getting a head start in owning and confiscating all the riches in America?



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