O.J. Simpson: Seems like they are going to get their man

Today, December 5, 2008

Well, how long has it been since that infamous acquittal that found football legend and actor O.J. Simpson innocent of murdering his wife and a friend of his wife? People, and especially white people, have been seething at the mouth ever since. It's been about 13 years since the crime was committed and O.J. Simpson was tried for that murder.

Since that time, people from all races have theorized the truth of that acquittal. Many have thought out loud that O.J. got away with murder. Some thought that he was truly innocent. Nonetheless, there are those who have been vigilant in attempting to criminalize the man's existence, primarily the father, mother and siblings of his late wife's late friend. After the family lead a successful 'wrongful death' civil lawsuit, O.J. was found guilty and ordered to pay millions of dollars in compensatory damages to the survivors of both his ex-wife and her friend.

From what has been advertised, they have had marginal success in collecting those millions.

However, in October of this year a white jury (12 angry white people) found O.J. guilty of a unrelated crime, Simpson was found guilty of 12 charges of coercion, burglary, robbery and kidnapping. These charges came about in reference to a hotel room drama where he and others allegedly brandish guns and held several vendors hostage and demanded that memorabilia be returned to O.J. where he claimed to be the rightful owner.

It seems that O.J. will receive a heavy sentence (18 years) that will keep him in jail for the rest of his mortal life. Just in case O.J. may die in prison they may also attempt to keep his body for the remainder of that sentence.

All jokes aside, this recent calamity may seem right from a legal standpoint, but it sure doesn't smell fair. My view is that the jurors did not find him completely guilty of his recent felonious behavior, but they convicted him for his wife's murder that took place over more than 12 years ago.

I've already mentioned that there has been a fair representation from different people who felt that O.J was guilty of his wife's murder. But, I find it ludicrous for this white jury to show just how white people don't forget stuff. Matter of fact, that may be the biggest difference between white and black people. Black people are quick to forgive, and, forget and white people are set of pay back. And, it's too bad that O.J. did not follow-up when he declared that he would work to find his wife's murderer after the acquittal.

Just think how miraculous it is to have a black person as President-elect, one who has admonished both black and white to forget about the past and let's move-on 'together'.

As for me, I would like for our elected leadership to hold Bush and Company accountable for all of those murders in Iraq, and the wrongful death of thousands of American and foreign soldiers. I choose not to forget the ho women and children were killed and declared 'collateral damage'.

As for me, I am reminded of how Bush and Company aer allowed to destroy a democratically elected government in Palestine, allow for Israel's apartheid rule, and holds no one accountable for years of merciless ruling.

As for me, I am startled how the Bush Administration has destroyed another democracy. Haiti's people and government was soundly rejected by Bush and Company and the same Administration is responsible for some of the most ruthless murders to date.

As for me, I want someone to stand trial for that Middle Passage murders and the many lynching that have taken place in America's history.

Now, I have no problem in people remembering, cause I sure can. But, there is no fairness in selective memory. If we all were inclined to remember the many injustices against black people, there will me no peace on earth.

This man (O.J. Simpson) has been tried again for murder, which is not acceptable in our legal system. It's called double jeopardy. Whether O.J. goes to jail or not, one truth still remains that white supremacy administers double standards.

This most recent legal hoopla (as was stated) had nothing to do with this hotel drama, but all to do with deaths that took place 13 years ago-vengeance. Hypothetically, if indeed people become able to recognize that O.J. is indeed not the murderer that they thought he was, maybe this latest scenario would not seem so harsh.

But, then again, Hussein did not have 'weapons of mass destruction either'. But, white supremacy has a way of revising history to suit their arrogance. In other words it does not matter that we went into war claiming there were weapons of mass destruction. And, 'So what if there were no weapons of mass destruction, it is good that Hussein is dead'.

OJ is no angel by any stretch of the imagination. But I must admit, as a black brother I feel that he's another one that has been cast into the infinite abyss of American prison cells in penal system that seems to gobble-up black men both, innocent and guilty.

As for the Goldman family, maybe they justly feel redeemed after all of these years going after one black man. Or, maybe they should now start a school about teaching black people how to fight for their forty acres and mules and seek recompense for the years of murder and slavery committed on them by white people. But, that's all been forgotten. Have it?



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