Third in series on the 7 principles of Kwanzaa: Ujima means support when you need it!

I cannot reach fulfillment without "thou."
The self cannot be self without other selves.
Self-concern without other-concern is
like a tributary that has no outward
flow to the ocean.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Ujima (Collective work and responsibility). It is building and maintaining our community together and to make our brother’s and sister’s problems our problems and to solve them together. (Official Kwanzaa Site).

I heard people recently saying things like: “I have enough problem of my own”. Another said, “They brought it on themselves”.

No this is not' drug addicts or criminals huddling over a piece of find and talking about self preservation. People with similar downfalls do have a tendency to help one another even if it’s in mischievous conditions.

No, the former words and phrases were prevalent in a adult Christian Sunday School class discussion. It would appear that Christians have had enough of wayward members of society, and, each other.

But something is wrong with that picture especially when we are taught early on in our family-based traditions to to ‘take care of one another’. Why does it seem that those who strive on ant-social behavior are more apt to help a fallen colleague than to others who claim to be headed to heaven?

Well, there’s never an easy answer when it comes to distorted values and frustration while living in today’s world. Even though selfishness, coldness, fear and apathy have been around since ‘Adam and Eve’ or the earth;’s creation, the intensity of these in the ‘last days’ have also been told. Confusion shall prevail.

It should be no surprise to see how the devil always works counter to the real thing. It would appear that ‘lost’ people care more about their own better than ‘found’ people. In their sullied conditions, they feed one another, and ofter shelter and the only expectation is for others to take care of them when they are sick as well.
That’s where the trick lies. Remember that the devil never gives you something for nothing. His giving is based on conditional giving. So if you are given a hit of cocaine, you are expected to return the a favor. Normally, if you fail to meet your side of the bargain, it can mean hurt or death to the physical body, but mostly, a damned soul.
Christians have yet to take the lead in unconditional love even as it remains the greatest and most important commandment from Jesus.
During these perilous times, the opportunities arise for loving people, no matter the religion, to
let one’s light shine. Even as homelessness, joblessness, poverty, shortage of food, high energy costs, lost mortgages, rampant corruption God driven people are called to arise to the occasion.
We should not be hearings things like “That’s their problem”—not in the Kwanzaa spirit found in the principle of UJIMA.
We must learn to live together as brothers
or perish together as fools.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.



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