Katrina to Haiti: Inevitable and bigger media stages await

U.S. journalists are seizing on the tragedy in Haiti in a non-stop barrage of reporting,
providing endless updates on a devastating earthquake that has killed an estimated 45-50,000 people. Coverage of the quake is accompanied by detailed updates of the suffering of those involved, in addition to assurances that the U.S. government (and private donors)
is doing all it can to help those in dire need. This framework comports well
with American journalists’ self-image– reflexively
accepted – that the U.S. promotes the global good through altruism
and humanitarianism. ..

Katrina was a trial run of ghastly proportions, yet it may turn out to be small potatoes as neo-conservatives are ever ready larger landscapes. If the visuals don't tell the story of how human tragedy plays a large role in the relentless scour for certain people (from CNN to Pat Roberts to Rush Limbaugh and other co-conspirators) to demolish any moral ground of human suffering, I'm possibly living on another planet.

When Pat Roberts got wind of the tragedy, he immediately went into 'they got what's coming to them mode with his
“swore a pact to the devil” diatribe. He has made it clear that Haiti has no right but to have a colonial existence. Robertson says that 'They swore it off' when they didn't want to be in servitude to the French and other colonial powers.

Yet, this ignorant man who calls himself a Christian preacher (amongst other titles including a failed candidacy for U.S. President) shows many what it means to seize an opportunity to talk out of ones head. Haiti continues to be under the burden of foreign siege. The only difference today is that a cadre of western powers share the hegemony chores and whereas the U.S. continues to be the 'big dog' in setting the stage for aggressive wars and occupations.

This false prophet (Robertson) has made ignoramus remarks before from calling for the assassination of a democratically elected president to asking for the demise of Federal jurists who he thinks should be replaced with more conservative minded ones
more conservative ones.

But Robertson is not along in this travesty of world justice. Whether than see this event as what it is, a superimposed predatoristic opportunity for the amoral fourth of estate versus of world disaster that calls for immediate attention, it has become a spiritless exercise in phony caring. The fourth estate is normally given to press (as it is here). Yet the fourth estate should be seen as all the powerful world institutions that bully the less powerful to get their way. Hence, the press was never meant to bully,but the 911 disaster changed all of that as the corporate media has ventured into uncharted territory by becoming an accessory to many of the world disasters that America has an is sponsoring.

The corporate media has become a 'Trojan horse' by wrapping itself in the suffering of others, yet, at the same time, being cold and heartless. It only reports what, they feel, well help it to keep the consumer's attention. Catastrophes like these never hearts. And as I write, they know that the world has become so sorry, that they know that the next disaster is right around the corner. Gee, who said that the funeral business was the only depression-free enterprise.

Sure, Americans and other world societies will respond (and are responding) by showcasing a barrage of caring responses, even former President Clinton got a photo opportunity, but only God, Himself, will be able to make bare the hypocrisy that we as humans should beg to be liberated from

Robertson may be right about one thing, this is disaster caused by something, but he gets it wrong,once again. When a great demise of a whole nation is based on absurd and false biblical interpretations, he fails to realize that it is a affront to God's Word. Whether, we have screwed-up theologians who are backed by screwed-up institutions feasting on the supreme jewels of other sovereign nations who they need to fail in order to stay in business.

Hal Lindsey in his book "The Last Great Planet Earth" published somewhere in the late 60s contained some pretty wild predictions that have yet to come to past. Episodes like Katrina and Haiti only adds to his prophetic interpretations--interpretations that are not prophecies in the real sense (a true prophet is never wrong).

Not until thinkers and philosophers and leaders of the world are able to grasp the true significance of 'cause and effect' will the world be able to be liberated from certain celebrity musings.


LOS ANGELES – Haitian-born rapper Wyclef Jean spoke out Saturday in defense of his foundation after charity screening groups raised concerns about its accounting practices.

Jean said he was baffled by the timing and nature of criticism of The Wyclef Jean Foundation Inc., which has already raised more than $2 million to help earthquake victims.
"It is impossible for me to even comprehend the recent attacks on my character and the integrity of my foundation," he said in a statement. "The fact that these attacks come as we are mobilized to meet the greatest human tragedy in the history of Haiti only serves to perplex me even further."
Jean, a 37-year-old Grammy-winning artist, has been imploring followers to text "Yele" to 501501 to donate $5 to his foundation in support of Haitian earthquake victims.
The foundation, also known as Yele Haiti, intends to airlift medical supplies, water and Clif Bars to Haiti using a FedEx plane early next week, according to foundation president Hugh Locke.
An Associated Press review of tax returns and independent audits provided by Jean's foundation showed that it was closely intertwined with Jean's businesses.

When that day comes, when Jesus comes, woe onto those who have mocked His Truth.


Well it's official! Past, Past and Present stands in unison. Can you interpret the meaning of this picture? What does it really say?

Former U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush are joining with President Barack Obama to aid the earthquake-stricken people of Haiti. The two former presidents returned to the White House to discuss what they and the American people can do to help.

-Various Quotes and references regarding the Haiti-U.S. Relationship-


The US has worked for centuries to break Haiti. The US has
used Haiti like a plantation. The US helped bleed the country economically
since it freed itself, repeatedly invaded the country militarily, supported
dictators who abused the people, used the country as a dumping ground for our
own economic advantage, ruined their roads and agriculture, and toppled
popularly elected officials. The US has even used Haiti like the old
plantation owner and slipped over there repeatedly for sexual recreation.
Bill Quigley: Why the U.S. Owes Haiti Millions, Counterpunch, Black Agenda Report


While many are opening their hearts and purses to Haiti's suffering, it’s important to note the corporate media's high profile exceptions. Televangelist Pat Robertson, carried on Disney's Family Channel, suggested Haiti invited the disaster by making a deal with the devil
200 years ago (FAIR Blog,
Radio big Rush Limbaugh discouraged donating to Haiti disaster relief on his
January 13 show, saying: "We've already donated to Haiti. It's called the U.S. income tax.... You just can’t keep throwing money at
it." Meanwhile, Fox's Bill O'Reilly and New York Times columnist David Brooks each presented nauseatingly patronizing prescriptions for
Haiti’s rehabilitation.

On his
13 show
, O'Reilly said the way to cure Haiti's economic and social problems was to impose discipline on Haitians: My travels there have been illuminating. Only half the population can read and write. Unemployment's more than 50 percent. Most Haitians live on less than $2 a day. No matter how much
charity is given, no matter how many good intentions there are, Haiti will remain chaotic until discipline is imposed.

In his
January 15 Times column, David Brooks offered his prescription: To "fix" their "progress-resistant culture," Haiti needs to develop "No Excuses countercultures," and turn to paternalism: It's time to promote locally led paternalism. In this country, we first tried to tackle poverty by throwing money at it, just as we did abroad. Then we tried
microcommunity efforts, just as we did abroad.

But the programs that really work involve intrusive paternalism.
But according to the human rights group
MADRE, the U.S. has already tried that: Ironically,
Brooks' prescription of "intrusive paternalism" to "fix the culture," aptly sums up U.S. policy towards Haiti for the past 100 years: a brutal military occupation from 1915 to 1934; support for dictatorship from 1957 to 1986;
and, more recently, the imposition of trade policies that have further impoverished people. What the outside world needs to "fix" is not Haitian culture, but its own self-serving policies that have left thousands of Haitians literally buried
Steve Rendall, FAIR

Article: The Press Only Likes Fresh Blood and the Blood in Haiti is Drying By Richard Morse



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