Crossing Over: No pets allowed

Looking at Faithful, my cat, I am pretty fun of him. He's been a joy and a comfort in tough times, feeling a void where no human could possibly fill. It has been also a thorn, demanding attention at the most awkward times and refusing to cooperate when life demands that I do.

More or less, domesticated animals as well as those locked-up in the zoo are a pleasure to experience.

Which brings me to the next point. In general, has our attachment to the animal hindered us in anyway from evolving to the next spiritual plane?


Effort to ban cat, dog meat updated Tue March 9, 2010
CNN's Emily Chang reports on legislation in China that would ban eating dog and cat meat. (Warning:
Disturbing content)

A few times I've watched a medium, John Edwards TV show called "Crossing Over". It was interesting to observe how believable it is as one witnesses the interaction between the living (those still detained on earth) and love ones who have crossed over (I think the word 'passed' should be more proper). Those in the process of crossing over were, like, in a waiting station and still very much attached to their living earthly physical treasures (relatives, pets, friends, etc.). The medium even claimed that he heard the dog barking. So, people really haven't crossed-over to their final destination if indeed they hear dogs barking.

However, this ethereal after-life pretty much brings us full circle as to how the past and present are connected and disconnected.

Can you imagine how you meet people who refuse to take any responsibility for their father's sins when that father is dead and gone? They say "that was in the past, and what they did had nothing to do with me today". Hell if it doesn't. The big reunion in the sky (in the way station) reaffirms this.

Yes, my friends an/or colleagues can forget about the basis of their argument that one can't be blamed or carry any responsibility for what their grands and great grands did. If they insist that it wasn't they who owned slaves and hung slaves, they would surely get an earful at the family reunion in the way station if one hasn't made a conscious decision to release and condemn the acts of their relatives).

Now, even though we do care about our animals on this earth, we are destined to be shook by a rude awakening once we leave the way station to finally cross over and find that we are not in dog heaven (or hell). While on earth:

  • Surely many animals can or can learn how to communicate with humans on earth, but they are not human.

  • They cannot speak a human language (Even though some pet owners swear differently).

  • They can't care about humans the way other humans can (or should). However, their are those with the instinct to protect.

  • They can sense a higher power, but they are intuitively clear that man has been placed over them as the higher power has ordained.

  • They can not be compared with the soul of a human--God's children.

  • Nope, they are not going beyond the way station of the eternal crossing over.

I'm sure that more scientific theories can be flushed out. There are many apiary arguments, along with many religious theologies, that can make a run at an antithesis that strive to dispose of the fundamental truth in this article. But, it's like insanity--I do declare.

But, believe it or not, this article is not presented to tell people not to love their pets and even those in the wild. No, not at all. We can also continue to rationalize why we eat and shoot them more than we protect them. but to say that we love them so much that we can't do without them when we leave this world is ludicrous and somewhat sacrilegious.

The lesson is simple. We should adjust to God's greatest commandment that tells us to love Him and one another. That's our human destiny. We should also care about things that God has benefited us with, the environment, the trees, the oceans and yes, the animals. But, just like you won't be able to bring your car to the next life, just remember dogs and cats are not allowed either. So let us be about the business of resolving to discard all those things that were meant to stay earthbound, or are destined to a dog or cat heaven. Just remember, your dog or cat will not be able to protect you or speak up for you when you come before the Master. And, there's no need for PETA in heaven.



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