Conservative Gay People: Conservative is Codeword for racist?
As the general gay community celebrates a monumental decision by Congress to repeal the "Don't Ask, don't Tell" (DADT) military policy, a policy that prohibited gay people from openly expressing their gay preference in the military, the victory not only exemplifies a movement that is resilient in its demand for cultural recognition but, at the same time--and in the real world, it reinforces how a renegade movement is 'having its cake and eating it too' when it comes to universal integrity.“I love Ann Coulter, but she’s wrong on that issue,” said LaSalvia. “I think she’s wrong on that particular issue and she thinks I’m wrong, but that doesn’t mean we’re not both conservatives and that we couldn’t have a good time together.”GOProud president Jimmy LaSalvia, political gay conservative group featured Ann Coulter as a keynote speaker during the group’s 2010 inaugural HomoCon event in New York City.
As the president of a powerful gay political group proclaimed above that he and Ann Coulter disagree publicly on some issues (like DADT) but then reassures us the conservatism is the binding glue that makes them able to "have a good time together" seems a little awkward.
If being a conservative has anything to do with keeping it the way it was (in which it does), than what gives? Indeed, what gives when Coulter is a well known racist antagonist? And, what gives when a gay group fights for progressive values, as in sexual preference, and at the same time proclaim that they can have a 'good time' with those who teaches and preaches trash that denigrates and berates others. LaSalvia's conservative gay group that others, like this writer (if not exclusively white), is waiting for an answer to how it can push for sexual equality and and romanticize conservative racism at the same time.
There are at least thousands of comments by or about Ann Coulter, like the ones that follow.
Ann Coulter states: It's OK to discriminate against Muslims. If only we could get Muslims to boycott all airlines, we could dispense with airport security altogether.
Ann Coulter states: “If I were the czar of the universe [private institutions could discriminate] … I think a teacher or a school ought to be able to … on the basis of gender, race, the color of their
hair. As long as it’s not the government’s, I think a private university ought to be able to
do whatever it wants to.” ABC, March 12, 1999.
Ann Coulter states: “Thank God the white man did win or we would not have the sort of equality and freedom, or life, that we have now.” Oregon State University, November 19, 2001
Ann Coulter states: “They [whites] were buying them, fair and square, from their African masters. Slavery, as Joe Sobran has remarked, is the only African institution America has ever adopted.”Universal Press Syndicate, January 28, 2000
Ann Coulter states: "I think we had enough laws about the turn-of-the-century. We don't need any more." Asked how far back would she go to repeal laws, she replied, "Well, before the New Deal...[The Emancipation Proclamation] would be a good start." Politically Incorrect 5/7/97
Her racism, of course, is not limited to blacks, but to Muslims, Indians (she calls them injuns),and others of non-white people, non-European descent.
So what is your point?
As I commented in a previous entry (When Black People Play God) about how so much black cultural capital has been utilized for somewhat pseudo progressive white gay people to achieve sexual liberation and how it is astounding that the same people are able to conveniently compartmentalize their own racism in dealing with Blacks in other issues of life, it challenges how blacks, natives and others have historically been used by white people. No, it's not just the GOProud rights group that is led by LaSalvia that raise some concerns about their commitment for real equality in all areas of human life and for all cultures, but there are others, like the Log Cabin Republicans, National Stonewall Democrats (national voice of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and allied Democrats, with more than 90 local chapters across the nation. Stonewall Democrats works to elect more pro-equality Democrats regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity - and to improve the Democratic Party on issues important to LGBT Democrats) and many regional and local gay rights groups.
Then there are some who have had the leadership from great black men like Bayard Rustin (who led in the organizing of Dr. King's March on Washington in 1963) however their principles were rooted in the universal belief espoused by international leaders like Mahatma Gandhi. During the early days of the Civil Rights Movement many Black leaders associated with King were bothered with any association with gayness,which made Rustin somewhat of pariah within his own black network. However, Blacks have since then fallen in line to become one of the fiercest proponents for equality for all, including gays. Little did they know of the internal dichotomy where they would invest so much to an predominant white movement where the same could conveniently agitate for equality on the issue of sexual lifestyle and, at the same time, be ultraconservatives on issues pertaining to the liberation and the equality of Blacks. This is a philosophical quagmire that no one wants to speak, but racial preferences are oblige to raise their its ugly head in times of inconvenience especially concerning issues like the economy, social profiling and systemic racial processes that do not benefit non-white people.
I would say to gay white leaders to come clean and stop joking around with racist people like Ann Coulter. If indeed it happens to be a joke when white gay leaders like LaSalvia has no problem in partying with a fellow conservative like Coulter, then someone please let me in on the joke.
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