Where Does RUF D. GIOVANNI Fit?
(AKA:  Tremaine Bailey)

Part I.

Take a look and hear what Ruff D. Giovanni is saying above, or, selling.  Since hooking up with the man I've found nothing but a decent brother who borders on genius when it comes to being able to fit into world for what it is (o as he sees it).  I wanted to learn more about what goes through the minds, heart and souls of entertainers who are all-in, all-in to the revolutionary vibe called rap, Hip-Hop, Rhyme, Gangsta, or whatever you would like to call the sounds coming from mostly brothers (and wanna be brothers) who have mastered the world word magic.

I wanted to be able to disburse of the worldly assumptions that people make about those in hip-hop often relegating their total value to misnomers like noise, foul language, criminal minds. misogynists, sexists, anti-government, anti-family, anti-community, illiterate, anti-religion, atheist you name it the negative connotations are infinite.  However, the culture of hip hop has become overwhelming that no one dares to challenge their creed, or it's power in the world of cultural clashes.

In a recent seminar in Richmond, I had the opportunity to speak with a rapper legend that many consider a true pioneer.  Jaz-O (Jonathan Burks) a rapper,  record producer active in the late 1980s through the 1990s, best known for being the mentor of Jay-Z. Jaz is also known as the Originator and had a song called "The Originators" that featured a young Jay-Z in 1990.  gave the audience a intimate glimpse into the mystery shrouded journey that turns out to no mystery at all as he shared about his protegee, Jay-Z and how he taught (Jay-Z) about everything, and acknowledge that at one point they went their separate ways. The most interesting part was the part of the creed called respect.

Jaz-O--mika.jpgWaiting for JazzO to go into a rap presentation was in vain.  His presentation was simple:  "You have young people not really knowing what it takes, it's a business that needs attention just like any other business".

He went on to share that because he had taken care of business the roof over his head is a testament to a dedicated life.

"Learning the trade can be a challenge", he says,"But if you want to survive you have no other choice".

Ruff D. Giovanni has all that it takes:  the looks, the swagger, the sounds, the rhyme, and a few gigs.  He's even waiting for that big wig to call from a major music company.  In listening to him talk, I thought,one of the biggest challenges is probably not himself, but everything (one) around him who want a piece of the probability for success, or just a piece.  Yes, Ruff D. has his admirers.

Yet what strikes me about Ruff D. is that he really is a man of conscious and has genuine love for his family, community and all people,  but he also has the fear of God riding on every move that he makes. "I feel that I have a special mission to complete and not everybody can understand the importance (he pauses) and the deepness demanded to continue this journey".

Is Ruff D.   headed toward stardom or bust?  Is he headed toward something else?  Can/Is he making a difference?  Is he a positive or negative image for the children? Check out more about this unique brother.(To me continued Part-2).



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