Modern Labels of Deception: Some Blind Spots to real progressive thinking
Being stuck in semantics that seem to be lost somewhere in time [not today's] really can be a drag of progressive human development where all of our actions and decisions are based on what we have been taught to accept - with no questions asked. We were taught to deduct and analyze things in order to optimize our contribution to that world in which we live.
These phrases, for instance, can and have become problematic in the forms of phrase, labels and/or titles. Take a look at this small sample:
The Unemployment Rate - This is an outdated label, not because of the words by themselves, but because citizens are conditioned to believe that it is representative of all able-bodied Americans who are capable of working, hence being employed. It has failed us simply because of its limitation in scope - many Americans are indeed employed and accounted for in this equation - yet may more are not accounted for (those who have dropped out of the labor pool, for instance). So you have leaders who boast about low unemployment rates, yet millions are left out of the equation. In essence, not until the the phrase is properly adjusted to reflect the total able-bodied Americans who can be a part of the equation, it is deceptive. The sad news bad statistics have a domino-effect in elevating all Americans.
Women and Children - This is another is misnomer, especially when women and children is used as a reference that is suppose to reflect the total social and economic statuses of our society. Hence, there are more than women and children who are affected by bad policies and human disparity. For instances, African American males die at a greater rate than anyone - no, I did not say women and children. This same subculture (African American men) represents most of the people who are incarcerated or caught up in the American justice system. Not to say that our women and children are not important, but because of our seemingly to try to present the facts as they are it appears that our system are either politically motivated or just plain lazy - simply using women and children as a default option that deceitful allude to a false premise vs. a complete premise that is both analytical and critical. One can think that it is strange when a nation is a leader in research and science falls short in explaining the ills of all of its people - not just women and children.
You are successful - Maybe it's because of our real or imaginary value system that is propped on capitalistic virtues that no one seems to be able to decide what success really is. For example, when one has fallen down and decides to get back up the first symbols of success are rooted in material possession. David who was a recovering addict shared with the fellow group that he has found a job and is now working to secure his own apartment, and a car. Make no mistake about, acquiring these things are indeed an accomplishment, but accomplishing something doesn't necessarily mean success. Provocatively speaking, staying out of rehab and having a change in heart and spirit, in my opinion, should be the foundation of success defined - nothing more, nothing less. Being recognized for a position in an organization that terrorizes the world is also a distortion of honorable success.
He's a Doctor, Lawyer, etc. so he/she must be smart - Right. Surely I won't be too cynical here. but the title game has shown a multi-edge sword (not just two). Our progressive nation has evolved to the point where we simply accept titles as validation of one's worth and value. No we are not talking about Jesus the carpenter here, how he managed to become the Savior of the World with no earthly title or a degree in theology makes one wonder if He is truly accepted by the those confesses their belief in Him. Another thing is when, let's say a doctor, was indeed a great brain surgeon but decided to get into politics - or a preacher who supplanted his passion for saving souls with a get-rich scheme. Bottom line, in the former examples of fake and deceitful labeling our progressive world have become at-risk for falsity and superficiality vs the depth and breath of offering coming from those who have so much to offer to lift the world up closer to a world that is closer to God.
It's free - This is one of the biggest ripoffs since the founding of America by that man called Christopher Columbus. For a fact, Americans are pawns for advertising and marketing schemes. We will believe a lie before the truth because either we don't know any better, are those selling us goods simply have been taught too deceive. No, there's no 'free' burger at Burger King or at McDonald's even though the receipt or coupon promotes a free one. Today, lying is the symbiotic twin of consumer advertising. It's acceptable, too.
Besides the examples above I'm sure that many of you can join me in calling out additional 'modern labels of deception'. Eventually our (people in society) complicity in allowing false, inaccurate, or/and ulterior propaganda dressed up as truth will have to come to a head. 'Lying with dogs' for such a longtime has a cause and effect, and I believe that each generation that follows will become more invested in accepting the lies and deceit of prior generations as standard. I'm not going into the telling examples of how it's happening now, but readers should know that it's happening as young people are being taught - directly ad indirectly - that it's okay to lie and be deceitful. The soul of man is at-risk for complete disintegration as we are now accepting every and anything thing based on 'fake' tolerance or a sorry excuse for survival. It's just what the doctor (Dr. Satan) ordered.
These phrases, for instance, can and have become problematic in the forms of phrase, labels and/or titles. Take a look at this small sample:
The Unemployment Rate - This is an outdated label, not because of the words by themselves, but because citizens are conditioned to believe that it is representative of all able-bodied Americans who are capable of working, hence being employed. It has failed us simply because of its limitation in scope - many Americans are indeed employed and accounted for in this equation - yet may more are not accounted for (those who have dropped out of the labor pool, for instance). So you have leaders who boast about low unemployment rates, yet millions are left out of the equation. In essence, not until the the phrase is properly adjusted to reflect the total able-bodied Americans who can be a part of the equation, it is deceptive. The sad news bad statistics have a domino-effect in elevating all Americans.
Women and Children - This is another is misnomer, especially when women and children is used as a reference that is suppose to reflect the total social and economic statuses of our society. Hence, there are more than women and children who are affected by bad policies and human disparity. For instances, African American males die at a greater rate than anyone - no, I did not say women and children. This same subculture (African American men) represents most of the people who are incarcerated or caught up in the American justice system. Not to say that our women and children are not important, but because of our seemingly to try to present the facts as they are it appears that our system are either politically motivated or just plain lazy - simply using women and children as a default option that deceitful allude to a false premise vs. a complete premise that is both analytical and critical. One can think that it is strange when a nation is a leader in research and science falls short in explaining the ills of all of its people - not just women and children.
You are successful - Maybe it's because of our real or imaginary value system that is propped on capitalistic virtues that no one seems to be able to decide what success really is. For example, when one has fallen down and decides to get back up the first symbols of success are rooted in material possession. David who was a recovering addict shared with the fellow group that he has found a job and is now working to secure his own apartment, and a car. Make no mistake about, acquiring these things are indeed an accomplishment, but accomplishing something doesn't necessarily mean success. Provocatively speaking, staying out of rehab and having a change in heart and spirit, in my opinion, should be the foundation of success defined - nothing more, nothing less. Being recognized for a position in an organization that terrorizes the world is also a distortion of honorable success.
He's a Doctor, Lawyer, etc. so he/she must be smart - Right. Surely I won't be too cynical here. but the title game has shown a multi-edge sword (not just two). Our progressive nation has evolved to the point where we simply accept titles as validation of one's worth and value. No we are not talking about Jesus the carpenter here, how he managed to become the Savior of the World with no earthly title or a degree in theology makes one wonder if He is truly accepted by the those confesses their belief in Him. Another thing is when, let's say a doctor, was indeed a great brain surgeon but decided to get into politics - or a preacher who supplanted his passion for saving souls with a get-rich scheme. Bottom line, in the former examples of fake and deceitful labeling our progressive world have become at-risk for falsity and superficiality vs the depth and breath of offering coming from those who have so much to offer to lift the world up closer to a world that is closer to God.
It's free - This is one of the biggest ripoffs since the founding of America by that man called Christopher Columbus. For a fact, Americans are pawns for advertising and marketing schemes. We will believe a lie before the truth because either we don't know any better, are those selling us goods simply have been taught too deceive. No, there's no 'free' burger at Burger King or at McDonald's even though the receipt or coupon promotes a free one. Today, lying is the symbiotic twin of consumer advertising. It's acceptable, too.
Besides the examples above I'm sure that many of you can join me in calling out additional 'modern labels of deception'. Eventually our (people in society) complicity in allowing false, inaccurate, or/and ulterior propaganda dressed up as truth will have to come to a head. 'Lying with dogs' for such a longtime has a cause and effect, and I believe that each generation that follows will become more invested in accepting the lies and deceit of prior generations as standard. I'm not going into the telling examples of how it's happening now, but readers should know that it's happening as young people are being taught - directly ad indirectly - that it's okay to lie and be deceitful. The soul of man is at-risk for complete disintegration as we are now accepting every and anything thing based on 'fake' tolerance or a sorry excuse for survival. It's just what the doctor (Dr. Satan) ordered.
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