Cultural Appropriation is Ancient History

One thing is clear, Blacks seem to be predisposed and driven  to share their most unfiltered sacred stuff with the world.  Much money has been made from this propensity, and Zuckerburg is not the first to harvest this gold mine. 

Most of our (Black people) stuff through the centuries have been stolen and either monetized; or, falsified claims of fake ownership are now filed and codified at the Library of Congress.  

Yes, the complete lineage of Black History has been either revised or hidden.  If every now and then we get to witness any drop of this astonishing history, that has been sold to the highest bidder, we continuously and erroneously think that our cultural inventory was simply limited  to the commoditization of our bodies in the slave trade.  

As we argue about cultural appropriation in modern society, guess what -  cultural appropriation is centuries old.  The next time someone returns from Africa wanting to sell you a rare plant that heals, you should be cognizant of history.  

Blacks' cultural treasures continues to enrich modern-day colonial-capitalists - I post that without our treasures, there will not even be an America to want to call "great."

Let's talk about cultural exchange vs. Cultural Appropriation next.  A short preview reveals that 'reciprocation' is pivotal in defining he difference. 



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