Are you Paralyzed today - with Fear and Confusion?

Working with professionals in fighting against a terminal illness that had devastated individuals, families and communities globally was a great learning experience. 

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) had not only affected and infected people in general, but it brought havoc on people who I loved.  It was a death sentence for decades.

There are many deadly diseases that need controlling, yet many are not being controlled simply because establishment is paralyzed until help is identified.  Yet, the part that we rarely broach is the fact the aftermath of devastation.  For HIV/AIDS many people died leaving a indelible scar on our hearts, however, there are those who survived where their lives will never be the same.  In a nutshell, when things in life are under attack, they never remain the same.

Of course, there will always be people people who courageously and boldly resist diabolical forces that are predisposed to destroy and control the world (Thank God), yet we can fairly be opined that multiple paradigm shifts are taking place right underneath our noses.

Our values, morals and spirits are being challenged like never before - and sadly - evil has made inroads.  There are a myriad of examples of this malign phenomenon, like we see infinite and unnecessary wars - but arguably our ability to respond may not be massive enough.    

It is easy to overthrow sovereign governments nowadays because it has become acceptable, for the most part.  It seems that many of those who protested the Facebook fiasco have fallen in line - and virtually all those who were active on Facebook are still active(?).  

People nowadays will believe a lie before the truth - and believe me, there's a lot of lying going on these days from those who we are obliged to support in leadership all the way down to those on the streets and families who who are adjusting to 'new' paradigms - paradigms for the most part show an America that is not that light on the hill for democracy and compassion anymore, but it deceitfully promotes a a misnomer called 'humanitarian intervention' when in reality it's 'death and destruction'.

Surely you can see that things are changing?  Of course, there will always be resistance and battles where the good guys win, but today those victories are becoming far and few.  Yellow flags are flying all over.  

Yet, there is some reprieve as we are thankful for social media and blogs (like this one) that give us an outlet for expression to speak-up - not always agreeing, but speaking-up without apology. (By the way, social media is under attack, still).

Not to say that people are not angry (I am).  There will always be those who speak truth to power and are committed to fighting until a change has come. Yet as we survey the inventory of celebrated human resisters, surely a shutter rushes through one's vains. Can we expect that whistle-blower John Snowden will ever set foot on American soil again (alive)?What about Julian Paul Assange, and our other sons and daughters who sacrifice for justice - will their sacrifices for truth be in vain?  Will they allow him to go home to Australia and not be extradited to the American-style gulag?  Let's hope so.

While starting the article by using the HIV/AIDS epidemic as an example that needed and demanded a response - the responses finally came - but much damage was done.  Yet, those who love and cared about others who deal with terminal illnesses, those who love America and the foundation of the idea of liberty that it was built on, must break the chains of paralysis.  If this doesn't happen, believe me, our children (and their children) will suffer even more consequences. STAND.


1-  BDS must work.
2-  Take a closer look at the First        and Fourth Amednments.
4-  Assange hasn't given up.



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