BULLIED: People and Nations

Might sound complicated and a little mystifying, but I vicariously feel pain when others are bullied or violated and its more intense when the one causing the main is indifferent to other's pain.  It's nothing that I wish on others, or even feel that no one should have to endure - this includes individuals, groups and nations.

I don't think my feeling may be intrinsically related to my being somewhat of a empath, and it very well can be, but the foundation is maybe based in my personal experience.  I've been there before, more than once as a victim of bullying, but being there  only adds sustenance to the argument that says bullying is a crime that comes in different degrees (yes, misdemeanor or felony and everything in between).

Living in a country that equates itself with being exceptional makes it even harder to swallow when I see that this mystique of exceptionalism includes the propensity to belittle others. But, as I said, it's a crime that can's doesn't deserve absolution, or an escape from karma or the law of returns.

It's important that we as a nation that is composed with some of the most intelligent people in the word understand this.  The universe will hold us accountable for the fruits of arrogance that birth its offspring to embody bullying and destroying others.

How can one claim a nation under God and not get this simple truth?

Bullied Nations

No sooner than the present occupant of the White House was inaugurated or crowned king over us peasants some of his many hate missives were targeted to the motherland (Africa). When news broke that he had intimated to a group of (white) Senators referring to Haiti and African nations as Shithole Countries the reaction was swift.

Former House of Representative Cynthia McKinney, PhD even wrote a book of collective essays (https://www.claritypress.com/product/how-the-us-creates-shthole-countries/) repudiating this arbitrary racist and baseless attack.  To be sure, the black media; black leaders; black community, and the community at-large were all incensed by this profound arrogance.  But yet the decoded point was his giving a message to the world to fear and bow down to him shrouded in the disguise of making America great again even if it means to walk over others and destroy them if necessary - even the innocent.  The ascension of Trump meant an era of unprecedented bullying that wasn't just local, but global.

Needless to say, this act of bullying sat the stage for people questioning the temperance of a President who was suppose to be representing "all the people" (In Trump's words), and threatened the long held status of a nation that others in the world saw (by default) as the world leader. Vicious rhetoric did just cover the weaker nations of the world, but it does not discriminate regarding allies and attacking many of the people in America that represent the foundation of our democracy.

Yet, while there has been a lot of barking coming from those attacked, it is very disconcerting as many has fold adn withered into inertia that doesn't change things.  As this article is about to be published, the bullying has intensified as even it seems that he is gaining allies who are as nasty as he is.

And even as this is startling, the world world leadership seems to accepted his bullying as official modus operandi - how sad.  The sorriness of this can't be put into words as the same people probably will have hell to pay sooner than later.

Meanwhile and once again it has been bad news for many developing nations putting them in the cross-hairs for no apparent reason besides fabricating charges of mischief where there really are none.  Counties like, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Yemen, Venezuela have been commanded to bow down to his majesty as the anachronistic colonial tools that were evident from the past are still being used in Africa, Puerto Rico, Panama; and the the ghost of colonialism in South America has been reborn.  

Then too,  this is another sorry example of a sorry case where there's nothing worst then a bully than for those bullied to fall in line without a fight that reaches chaotic dimensions like subsequently often seeing the bullied turning on each other, etc.

It's been more than a decade since South Africa finally was able to get from under the scorn of a bullying (and murdering) apartheid regime, but many scars are still healing and, seemingly, there is irreparable damage that many generations must deal with..  

During the time of apartheid demise, America finally stepped forward and joined other nations in indicting the apartheid regime of South Africa.  Yet it's turning out to be a tall tale because in reality as America allowed the bullying of black people South Africa for decades it real and inherent leaning was to jump to another apartheid country, Israel.  Arguably, it is even more vicious and evil (If that is possible).

Israel is the the sister bullying nation of the United States as they too have virtually bullied the original owners of the land into submission and are in partnership (w/terrorists) to bully everyone in the neighborhood and it appears that the arrogant Ergogan of Turkey  is mimicking the same behavior, bullying.

Palestinians continue to hang on to their dignity and pride by the thread of their teeth as they are harassed and oppressed as a matter of officialdom by the exceptional Zionist who also feel that others are not their equal.  Bullying doesn't take a day off even when a world pandemic is scorching the earth as sanctions and boycotting whole countries has intensified.

From cutting off the sea; to stealing Palestinian and Syrian land (and oil); to killing Palestinians and Syrians with impunity, it's a surreal observation as the docile and powerless United Nations seems to have been bullied bullied into submission.  A day of reckoning can't come soon enough.

Bullied Individuals

So, enters my story.  I know what it  means to be bullied.  But let me stop you before your assumptions veer to false assumptions.  Of course the first one thought is probably is my referencing my school days.  But even if that's true, bullying still continues, today.

To be clear, I experienced some of the growing-up bullying.  But you know what, many of us have.  Hence, one either succumb to the onslaught or grows stronger to live another day.  Most of us would fall onto the latter category.  But there's another perspective that we are missing here.

We are forgetting abut the ones that have been scarred for infinity.  That is to say, they are functioning victims  who have never overcome those dark days of being bullied.   In a way, I feel that this fits this archetype, yet in a way that doesn't cry for sympathy.  Let me explain.

Bullying for me turned out to be a revelation that opened the doors of compassionate empathy (many prefer to use either word separately, but empathy can't stand on its on as a virtue.  Quite often it is used as a vice for human ambition for staying ahead of his/her competitor in a dog-eat society where the strong conquers the weak).  But adding compassion was a a gracious gift from God that I have graciously grown to appreciate and take seriously in that it was a window to see the holistic and critical meaning of bullying in how it negatively affects all relationships in our world.

Let's not forget the world remains in the clutches of disparity for the masses because of bullies.  Bullies that sooner than later that those who want to survive must learn to stand against or continue to be destroyed unto oblivion (this include nations).  There is no way around this truth.  There is no way in hell that those who are bullies are going to  stop at will.  It's a demon that has made permanent residence in one's personal dominion of existence on earth - not unless it and the host are arrested (stopped) the world is doomed.

Can you imagine the US and NATO hegemons who call themselves protectors of the world simply to stop their destruction and zeal for world control?  One should pity the fool who thinks that.  It's been centuries since Africa was (officially) colonized, and it still remains colonized today because the colonizer refused to go by using direct threat or sanctions as it demands that you fall in line or be destroyed.  

Hence, the abolishing of South Africa's apartheid regime was a Pyrrhic victory for black South Africans as decades later one must admit that local apartheid has really been supplanted by post-colonialism which attest to an unbroken cycle.  For the most, South Africa and the whole of Africa still obey the commands of a world that is ruled by white colonials.  

Now, that's saying a lot as many can't see it that way, but it's as clear as day, and that's one of  the reasons why I decided to  write about it.

So today my awakening from the throes of being bullied has transformed to a higher recognition.  I have no alternative - no alternative but to be vicariously connected to the pain of bullied nations that  in turn vicariously and historically connects to the pain of my ancestors and the suffering of so many in the world today because of imperial bullying and implicit racism. 

The truth is that in being raised in America black people were bullied every step of the way. Racism has never been vanquished, but its blatancy has been put in hibernation for the most part it (and still) forcefully brands in the souls of most blacks (even if they don't say it) - hence, it was a thief by day and night, but now it's a thief by night.

I find myself being apprehensive when another black defines success according to what a person with a whip in one hand and a pistol in the other told him to accept with forced indoctrination/bullying.  

The telling hint is found in losing one compassion in order to obey the master.  Even if one argues that we had no other choice, they must still acknowledge that the bullying by the master race succeeded in desecrating the threads of God-Given strength that says that's any meaning resilience must be predicated on the necessity of not allowing someone else to dictate one's destiny.  This is what countries like Iran and Venezuela is fighting for today.  God forbid that they should lose in their rightful and noble quest. Nations like the aforementioned are perfect nations, but neither of the bullies.  They are sovereign nations with a right to govern themselves.

The bully has destroyed the dignity and identity of many individuals and nations and the onlookers are just as bad.  In the land of the free it appears that only divine intervention is going to work as there are those who are intent of controlling and/or destroying others.  

Those who recognize the truth shall be set free, indeed.

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay


The writer is the editor of this Hope and Victory Blogspot.  Jerel Shaw has been writing for many years about subjects relevant to finding peace and justice n earth.  His recent book is entitled:  Passages of Grace:  The True Bucket List that can be found at Amazon and other Book outlets in paper and eBook formats.



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